Chapter Two

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"Dawson!" I shout, seeing Sawyer in the hallway. He stops in his tracks and turns around, his blue eyes looking me straight in the face. "So, are you going to follow me or should I give you my address?" I ask him.

"um, I can just follow you" he says, slipping his hand into his pocket.

"okay let's go".

I walk out to parking lot with Sawyer trailing along. I look across the way to see Sawyer walking up to his car, i'm surprised to see it's just a car. Not a truck or a sports car or some kind of Ferrari. Just a car.

I get into my car and pull out of the parking lot, once I see he is behind me I go.

As I pull into my driveway Sawyer parks on the street, we end up at the door at the same time.

"nice place" he says looking up at my average house that looks like everyone elses.

"oh, thanks" I say and unlock the door.

We walk in and I lead him straight down the hall to the living room, hoping it's cleaned up.

He drops his bag on the floor and makes his way to the kitchen, "got any food?". 

Setting my bag in a chair I look over at him,"yeah". I walk over and grab a packet of popcorn, "does popcorn work?"

"sure" he answers and grabs a juice box out of my fridge. 'well make yourself at home' I think to myself and put the popcorn bag into the microwave.

"so you still drink juice boxes?" he asks

"do you?"

"when it's offered"

"I didn't offer it"

"okay, so when I get a chance"

He takes a loud suck out of his straw, finishing the juice box.

I roll my eyes, then I start to smell something, like smoke.

"Do you smell that?" Sawyer asks me, I nod my head.

Sawyer jumps up and pulls open my microwave door, black smoke comes pouring out.

"Open a window or something!" he calls, waving his hands to get the smoke to dissipate. I open the kitchen window and the back door, hoping the fire alarms don't go off.

Luckily it starts to clear out quickly. Sawyer had thrown the popcorn bag outside to cool off.

"Tilly" he says "sweetie, you can't cook popcorn with the plastic wrap still on".


I take a deep breath and close my eyes, I am a complete idiot. "I know, I know. I was distracted" I say defensively

"By my good looks or my attractive smile?" Sawyer says.

I roll my eyes "you in general are distracting to everybody" I say

Opening the door to the pantry I search for something else to eat, I grab a box of crackers, "it ritz okay?" I ask

"sure" Sawyer says back so I grab the box and close the pantry door.

We head over to living room and he plops on the couch. I set the box next to him, taking the chair and pulling my backpack close.

"so we have to pick a decade for this project, between the 1800's and 1990's" I tell Sawyer, assuming he wasn't listening earlier. "the 1920's"Sawyer says "and why is that?" I ask. He leans forward, "the model-t changed America" I raise my eyebrows "I like cars" he grabs a few crackers and shoves them into his mouth.

I take out my notepad and a pen "okay the twenties it is" I say, writing it down on the pad. "I figured we could do this cool thing called a prezi, does that sound okay?". He nods as he stuffs his face with more crackers, he is devouring them like an animal.

I write down 'prezi' on the pad and the I write 'model-t changed America'.

A piece of cracker hits my head. Then a few more. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Do you always have to be so organized?" he asks back, throwing more cracker bits at me. "yes" I say.

"of course, how else would you get an A on everything?" he says. "being smart is not a bad thing Sawyer" I say, he just looks at me. "don't you want to go to college, at all?".

He shakes his head "my plan is to go straight into the work force, or maybe the military, haven't decided" I nod my head, surprised he didn't just say 'don't know, don't care'.

It's possible there is more to Sawyer than meets the eye.

Maybe he is more than a


heart breaker





really hot


after all.


Hey guys! I really hope you are enjoying!

I feel like being inspiring so; just keep swimming!

Hehe okay, I'm weird, I know, It's okay :p

Don't forget to vote and I would LOVE to hear feedback in the comments :)

xoxo - Issy

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