Chapter Nine

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I walk into school, my head held high. Sawyer and I haven't talked since the movies and I don't know exactly where we stand.

Everyone is looking at me. Some girls stare in awe and others glare in jealousy. I just keep walking to my locker.

I open the locker, grab my books, close it and there stands Sawyer Dawson.

"Can we talk?" he asks, I find my self looking away from him. My eyes shift back towards Sawyers's face. I just nod.

We head out the courtyard, just outside the school door and towards the portables. I have no idea what he is going to say, I find myself worried we are breaking up.

"Tilly" he starts "I'm really sorry about Saturday. I just wanted you to know that I would really like to make this work and for you to trust me. I don't want Mia and you are way better than her. I don't want to lose you because we argued" he shoves his hands in his pockets and my heart is melting.

He actually cares.

"I'm sorry too. I over reacted. It was stupid and I was just scared you would, you know, be the old you. I honestly did not like that you, at all. But the Sawyer I see is not the Sawyer everyone else sees and I don't know why you hide this side of you but I want you to know this is the side I like" I say, I smile up at him.

He takes my hand, "I'm different with you because you are the one making me different. Better actually" he says.

I tip my head up, being he is not much taller than me, and peck him on the cheek.

He grips my hand and we walk into the school, down the hall "see you at lunch" he says dropping me off at my class. "See you" I say and walk in.

I sit behind Ava as usual, "world war three is over I see" she says "yeah" I say laughing a little.

"So I sat and listened to you cry all Sunday afternoon for nothing?" She says looking at me

"sorry Ava, that's what you have to deal with being my best friend" I say shrugging.

"Whatever" she says, but she's laughing.

"So that's Sawyer's new toy?" A girl says behind me. "Yeah, Tilly I think" another girl replies "God, why? She doesn't have anything I don't" the first girl says.

I turn around and see its some of Mia's friends. I do have something she doesn't, a brain I think to myself.

"Mia must be mad, I mean Sawyer and her can't get together whenever she wants" one of them says "he's probably doing them both but the new one is too stupid to figure it out".

Ow. Ow. Ow.

Ava turns around and looks at me, I feel my face turning red "don't you dare listen to those lies. Tilly, none of that is true you know that" Ava says "Tilly" she says but I can't respond.

"I mean he is practically dating scar face" one says

"Tilly, it's okay. Just bitchy girls gossiping about nothing" Ava says and I try to breath, but I'm finding it hard.

The bell rings and the teacher begins speaking, drowning out the girls behind me. I take a breath and try to pay attention, I have to make it until fourth period when I can talk to Sawyer.

I walk in to my fourth period history class barley before the bell rings. It seriously couldn't be further across campus. I look across the room to find Sawyer looking at me, I smile and he smiles back.

All through the very boring lecture on the Cold War I can't stop thinking about the rumors I've been hearing today. People are constantly talking about me and Sawyer, I've only heard two nice comments.

The Girl With The ScarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora