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Hey! So my name is Issy and this is my very first wattpad story! I really hope you enjoy and I would love votes and comments cause they make me feel happy :)

So here is the prolouge, hope you like it!

"Tilly, Ava, Lunch!" Ava's mom called. We ran inside to devour our lunches just so we could go back out. Just nine years old when life was simply playing with friends and eating PB&J's.

Ava and I were best friends. We were born to be. My mom and her mom were also best friends, they planned us.

Ava's blond streaked mouse brown bob shook over her shoulders as she laughed at a joke I had told her. I took a bite of my sandwich, the peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of my mouth as always. Ava smiled at me with an orange peel in her mouth and I burst into laughter.

The phone rang and Ava's mom rose to get it, holding a baby boy on her hip.

When she returned she looked different, like the words on the phone had changed her.

"Tilly, honey. Your dad needs you home" she said calmly to me.

"Why?" I questioned "yeah mom don't maker her go. We were going to do water balloons" Ava chimed in.

"It is important. I need to drive you home now" she said.

I sulked my shoulders and said goodbye to Ava.

Ava's mom handed the baby off to her husband and I followed her out the door.

The short ride to my house was quiet and I got out without saying a word. I walked in through my front door to find both my sisters and my dad waiting for me. "We have to go" my dad said and we all got into the car.

Again no one said anything and I knew something was very wrong.

That's when I saw it.

Police cars, fire trucks, a car completely totaled and upside down. Moms car.

We jumped out of our car and ran as far as the police would let us. I frantically looked around, I knew it had to be moms car.

My dad was talking to a police officer, my sisters stood by each other, huddled almost. I stood alone, at the front of the yellow tape, amongst the bystanders.

"We need to have you I.D. her before we take her in" I heard the police man say to my dad.

I saw her, laying on a stretcher. Under the tape I went and rushing across the scene. People were shouting for me to stop but I refused.

"Mom!" I screamed as I landed on my knee's next to her. "Mom" I said, grabbing her hand.

It was ice cold.

Horror overcame me.

Her arms we covered in blood, her face streaked with it.

Her legs were crumpled into angles no flexibility could ever allow.

Her chest looked caved in.

"Mom" I whispered.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Mom" I cried "mom you can't be, wake up, wake up!"

She wouldn't wake up.

My dad came down next to me as I looked at my mothers body, she wasn't there anymore.

I fought the tears back and just stared.

My sisters never came over.

My dad assured the police man it was her.

The men prepared to take her away, I grabbed the charm bracelet off her wrist and held it in my hands.

They took her bloody, lifeless body and covered it in a black tarp.

My dad took my shoulders in his hands, "Lets go Matilda" he said. We walked me back to the car, my sisters already crying.

I didn't cry that day, I saw her body, she wasn't in there. Mom didn't die, she is in heaven watching us. I knew that.


The nights before the funeral were weird, like mom was on vacation and would return but of course that wasn't true.

I took all the charms off her bracelet and put them onto a necklace chain. I clipped it around my neck, the little charms cold on my skin.


Today that event was seven years ago. Now i'm just a normal girl with a necklace of charms around her neck and a huge scar across my cheek.

How it got there? That's another story from another day. But believe me it has a lot to do with mom dying. I wish she wouldn't have left me that day.

I suppose if she was still here I would be a very different girl.

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