Chapter Eight

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I wake up startled by a voice shouting my name in the hallway of my house, "Matilda Ginger Savon!" it says, I know exactly who it is.

She comes crashing through my bedroom door, it's Ava.

"Get up" she says, "what the heck Ava?" I say, sitting up in my bed.

"You went from hating Sawyer to dating Sawyer in like a month, and you didn't even tell me!".

I groan and shove my pillow over my face, "it too early for this".

Ava pulls the the pillow off of my face, "it's 11 am, now tell my how you came to be dating Sawyer Dawson".

I sit up in my bed, "11? Ugh Sawyer is picking me up at 1 for a movie" I rub my face with my hands. Ava jumps up next to me, "I want details first".

"Okay, so last Friday, when he came over after the fire, well he ended up kissing me, and I kissed him. And he stayed to watch a movie and my dad yelled at us. Then Monday he saved my butt from a red file and took a suspension for me" Ava squeals in delight. I relay the event of yesterday, with the house and the conversation. She eats it all up.

"I knew Sawlly would happen" Ava says, a huge smile on her face.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that name. But it's already 11:30 and I have to get ready" I say, throwing my covers off of me and running my fingers through my hair. Ava heads straight into my closet. I start applying my foundation and try to cover up that dang scar, it's white streaks always show through, no matter what I do.

Ava comes flying out of my closet with a black flowy shirt in hand, "Tilly where are those white jeans?"

"I hate those, you know that" I whine and she gives me a look.

"Please Till? It would be so perfect, come on, you can't neglect white forever"

The look on Ava's face makes me cave, "bottom drawer" I say. I hate wearing white, it brings out my scar.

As I continue my make up Ava is laying out clothes on my bed, then she plugs in my curling iron. I honestly don't know what she is doing.

I grab the clothes off the bed and change in my huge closet. Opening the door I step out. Ava's jaw drops to the floor. "Tilly you look incredible" she says in awe. "That's not true but thanks" I say, a smile on my face.

Then I am ushered over to my vanity, I sit down in the chair. Ava begins to curl the latter parts of my hair. I just watch in silence as she does so. After she completes the curling she pulls all my hair over my right shoulder and secures it in a ponytail holder. She fluffs the curls and covers me in hairspray.

She looks at me and I look back at her.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, "because your mom couldn't" she responds. "You and I both know your mom would have adored getting you ready for a date. So, today, I have to be your mommy"

I get up and throw my arms around Ava, hugging her tightly. "Thank You" I say quietly. We have been Tilly and Ava for as long as I can remember.

She pulls away and spins me around, "you look ravishing my love" she says imitating my mom's way of speaking. My mother for some reason adored large and potent vocabulary, so we always got stares when she spoke in public.

"Thank You" I respond as the doorbell rings. Ava smiles, "go ahead, i'll let my self out"

I nod and run down the stairs, swinging open the door. Standing there is Sawyer in his jeans and t-shirt look. His hair a thrown mess of dark blond. "Wow Tilly" he says slowly "you look, amazing"

A red color fills my cheeks, I can feel it.

Just then Ava comes strolling down the stairs to the front door, I knew she would find her way down. "Oh hi Sawyer" she says making her way next to me "person" Sawyer says nodding his head her direction. "I know you know my name" she says folding her arms. "Ava" he says

With that she seems satisfied and heads out the door to her car. She makes kissy faces at me on her way and I just roll my eyes. Sometimes you just have to accept that your best friend is a weirdo.

Sawyer taps his foot slightly, "ready to go?" he asks "yeah" I say and step out on to the porch, shutting the door behind me.

We walk to his car and get inside. He drives off down the road. "What movie are we seeing?" I ask "Dark Age" he responds and I raise my eyebrows, that is the last movie I want to see. "or" he continues "we could go see 'What They Said About Us' and possibly make out during this very boring movie"

He pulls into the parking lot of the movie theater, "anything but Dark Age" I respond and he smiles "okay so boring romantic comedy it is" he says unbuckling his seat belt.

I shake my head and get out of the car, this guy is really something. He takes my hand and we walk into the movie theater. Sawyer buys our tickets and we head towards the snack counter. "Do you want anything?" he asks "um, actually a soft pretzel sounds good. I haven't eaten"

Sawyer nods, "well I can't have you famished" he says and I giggle. We head over the line when I notice he is staring at something. I turn around to see a side view of Mia Jacobs, his ex girlfriend.

I punch his shoulder playfully and he turns his attention to me "its our turn" I say but he seems dazed. "one soft pretzel please, salted but no cheese" I order. The man grabs one and hands it to me, Sawyer hands him a ten dollar bill and I collect the change. "Thank you" I say as I drag Sawyer off to the side.

"What is wrong with you" I say shoving the money into his hands. "Sorry, it's nothing" he says, shuffling the money back into his wallet.

Next I know a tall blonde is standing next to my boyfriend.

"Hey Sawyer, crazy running into you here" she says getting too close to him for comfort. "Yeah" he responds looking around.

Mia is eyeing me up and down, "you must be Matilda" she says with a fake smile "Sawyer's new go to make out girl right?" she says and begins to laugh. I don't find her comment so funny.

"Actually i'm his girlfriend and my name is Tilly" I say. "Oh i'm sorry, Tilly. And yes, I heard" Mia says "and I am so happy you found someone Sawyer"

Can she please stop saying his name? Ugh.

"well I am here with Zack, we are going to go see Dark Age so if you'll excuse me I have to go. Great to see you Sawyer and officially meet you Tilly" she gives another fake smile and as she passes me she hits my shoulder and whispers, "don't get too comfortable, he is not everything he seems".

When I look up from staring at the floor I see Sawyer's attention is not on me. "I have a butt too you know, can you stop staring at hers please?" I say bluntly. "Just because she is not my girlfriend doesn't mean she isn't hot" he responds.

This breaks my limit of degrading comments in one day. I walk out of the theater, ditching the stupid pretzel in the trash and I sit on a bench outside.

A few moments later Sawyer walks out to me. "I'm sorry Tilly"

I ignore him.

"I did not handle her very well and i'm sorry" he says

"Do you want me Sawyer? Do you want me like you want her?"

"I don't want her" he says "Mia is mean and there are reasons we broke up. I like you in this moment more than I ever liked her in the 15 months we dated okay? I. Choose. You."

I look up at him "how do I know you mean it?"

"You have to trust me"

We stare at each other for a few minutes.

"Do you trust me?" he asks, taking my hand.

I look up at him, into his blue eyes. I thought I could trust him but I was stupid.

"no" tears fill my eyes "can you please take me home now".

Awe sad :(
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Xoxo Issy

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