Chapter Five

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I walk into the school at a different entrance than i'm used to, seeing as the hallway is blackened. It's frustrating to see everyone getting into their lockers and going about their day, but I have to remember I would be doing the same thing.

Ava appears next to me, "they spent all of Saturday going through the lockers and matching them up with the people" she says "we have to go to the student office and ask about it. Do you want to go now?" she asks.

I nod my head and let Ava guide me to where we need to go. We arrive at the office and stand in the long line of kids. "I heard pretty much everything was fine" Ava says, and I know she is trying to make me feel better but I won't until my necklace is back in my hands.

The line is moving so slow.

"so" Ava starts, trying to lighten the mood, "how was Friday, with Sawyer?"

Friday comes back to me and I don't want to talk about it. "It was fine, we finished our project". Of course that was all true.

It was an all around horrible night and I doubt Sawyer wants to see me again.

I ask Ava about her project to avoid talking about me. She was paired with a girl I don't really know, her name is Jada. I guess their project is pretty good, they did the fifties which could be really fun to present about.

Finally we reach the front of the line, "locker 309, combo 4-21-16" Ava says and the lady walks back to find the bag with our locker on it. She hands the bag to Ava and I help her carry it to a table on the side of the office. I reach down and feel around the bottom, clutching the necklace and pulling it up.

I examine the charms: cloud, flower, bow, star. The one missing is the one that had fallen off earlier, the little girl with her birthstone as her dress.

I search around the bottom of the bag but it isn't in there. Clipping the necklace into place around my neck I leave the office without informing Ava. I walk straight to the hallway that was burned and peer down it, checking for people.

The hallway is blackened and I touch it with my fingers to make sure it isn't hot. I decide it is fine and take a step into the hallway. A hand touches my shoulder behind me, I jump and turn around.

It's Sawyer.

"What are you doing? he asks, "i'm going to find that charm" I say taking more steps into the charcoaled hallway. "Not alone" he says and follows me.

Together we creep down the hallway to where my locker was, it's open but empty. I crouch down and start to move around ruble, hoping to see a shimmer of sliver or strike of red, my mothers birthstone was ruby.

Sawyer looks too, even though he isn't exactly sure what he is looking for. Then my finger hits something hard. I pick it up and blow on it, it's a bit dirty and the stone has a small crack, but I found it.

I take off my necklace and slip the last charm on, as I go to put it back on Sawyer takes it from behind and fastens it behind my neck.

"Thank you" I say quietly. "i'm glad you found it, but let's get outta here" he says we turn around to head out just in time to stand in front of security.

A/N: Okay so it's short...but it's good right?

Good things come in small packages and patience is a virtue :)

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