Arthur couldn't help the smile curling his lips. "This will do perfectly fine, Alfred. Thank you."

Alfred nodded with a grin as he sat across from Arthur with a plate of his own. "I hope you don't mind that we eat at the same table." Arthur shook his head. "Then I'll say grace." Arthur laughed lightly, but bowed his head and listened to Alfred pray. "Dear God, I thank the for this meal and for this chance to please my Queen. I pray that this meal will nourish us and that the Queen will make it back to the castle safely. Amen."

"Amen." Arthur smiled at the kind prayer, and leaned forward. "You know, you did not have to pray for such things. Being able to please me or wish that I may make it home safely."

The alpha just grinned. "Of course I did! Now come on and eat! I wanna know what the Queen thinks of my homemade beef and cobbler!"

Arthur laughed, then cut off a slice of his beef. Alfred practically shoveled the food into his mouth as Arthur are with practiced dignity. "So?" Alfred asked, his last bite of cobbler stuffed in his mouth.

Instead of being disgusted like he would normally have been, Arthur chuckled after he swallowed. "It's quite good. I enjoy it. Cooked just right with the perfect amount of seasoning. Where'd you learn to cook like this?" Arthur looked up at Alfred, taking another bite of cobbler.

"Hm, my grandmama taught me. Ma 'n' pa aren't good cooks, so dear ol' granny taught me how to cook. Now it's my daily chore; breakfast, lunch an' dinner. Dessert on Sundays!" Alfred stood up and headed to the sink. He cleaned off his dishes, then sat back at the table. "But is it castle worthy?"

Arthur laughed once again, pushing his plate a couple inches away from him to signal that he was finished eating. "Oh, definitely. In fact, I haven't had cobbler so good in years." Alfred laughed as well, leaning back in his seat. "I'm delighted to have tasted something so good."

Alfred scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "I'm not that good 'a cook."

The Queen just smiled. After a moment, Alfred stood and grabbed the dishes in front if Arthur, then cleaned them off. "Do you want to sit on the couch and rest while I get a horse ready?"

Arthur looked up at Alfred then shook his head as he stood. "No. I think I'll come with." Alfred nodded, holding the door open for Arthur. Once they descended down the creaky steps of the porch, Arthur hooked his arm through Alfred's. "Will you not be accompanying me on my journey to the castle?"

"Not unless you want me to." Alfred flashed a grin down at Arthur. "I was thinking that you'd like to journey back alone, but I could accompany you if you wish it."

Humming, the Queen looked forward. "I think if very much appreciate you joining me. But if you are busy..." Arthur trailed.

Alfred kept up his grin. "Nah, I'm not busy, your majesty."

"Arthur." The Spadian Queen looked up at Alfred as the taller, younger male looked down in surprise. "My name is Arthur, and I am granting you permission to call me by my name."

The Spadian citizen blushed and sputtered as he stopped in his tracks. "But we've only just met!"

Arthur giggled softly at the cute expression his subject was making. "You've been so terribly kind to me, and this is all I can offer you. Take it as a gift of thanks."

Arthur stared, then gulped before bowing his head. "Of course, your majes- I mean, Arthur." Arthur nodded, appreciative of being called my his first name rather than his formal name. Alfred lead the rest of the way to the barn, then sat Arthur down on the cushioned bench in the barn while he went and got two horses.

Another USUK story:: My Farmer BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora