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IT was spiked at the tops with nails. crazy. oh shit I hope he dosen't hit me with that I have to do something. "Oh nothing.. what are you doing with that?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Going to fucking hit you with it!" he yelled. I ran he was after me, and hid behind a tree. god dammit I cant stay here for long!! I thought and heard his footsteps coming closer. " Now where did you go you little brat?!" he said. I was trying so hard to hold in my tears. they escaped from my eyes an di felt my nose running. fuck me! I pulled out the gun and said "SUPRISE MATHA FUCKA!" and shot him in the head. I kicked him in the nards and ran to my house not to far away. I was sweaty and crying. I called Jackson to make sure everything was ok. "He--y baby imm going to be home. wwhere are you." "Were sitting on the ground , I gave Aylin some water and a rag I found on your porch." "oh thank you, your a life saver!" I said. 

I was running in my driveway. they both stood up and waved. I ran up to Jackson and jumped In his arms like a little girl. Now I missed him so much. I was crying in his shoulders and I couldn't see his face. I got off and gave Aylin a giant hug also. she was looking fine, not bad at all her blood was wiped off on the rag and she seemed ok for now. I smiled and got in the car. I found my purse at my feet and put it on. I also had the gun. I put the safety trigger on and out it in there. we walked inside and Aylin made me laugh. "Wooooooooooaahhhh" she said. "This looks different from the outside!!" "yea I know right that's what I said!" "Hey are you sure your ok?" I said looking at Aylin. I could see she had a slight gash in her forehead and a bruised eye. ouch.. I hope she wont need stitches. "Yea I'm fine my eye just hurts a little." "Oh ok." I gave her a hug and talked to Jackson "Baby can you go get some ice for her?" "Oh yea I was just thinking about that, ill be right back." he said. "Marie, just asking why the hell is Jackson in his fricken boxers!?!?!" she said with a faint laugh and eye roll. "Hahahaa! don't ask me!"  I said wiggling my eyebrows. "Here you go." Jackson  said giving Aylin the ice. "Thank you very much, you practily saved my life!" she said putting the ice n her eye. lol it should of been a steak . jk jk... "c'mon lets really get you cleaned up." "Baby I'm going to take her to the bathroom, (not the fancy room one) so she can get cleaned up ok?" I said pointing down the hall. "Ok take your time!'' he said smiling and heading up the stairs. I led Aylin  down the hallway where I properly washed her off and talked about what happened to her. "Yea so I was sitting on my bed and I heard someone yell Open UP! and I knew the voice was familiar so I went down stairs and I opened the door, Erick busted my forehead with a spiked bat and I started to cry, and then he punched me in the face. " she just went on from there and I knew, that he was sad that she broke up with him. what a loser. a dead loser. "Ya it was really bad but I said let me use the bathroom and I called you before he caught me. then he raped me. It was just horrifying.  I felt myself ripping. I was so scared I was going to faint!" she said.  wow I feel really bad for her! Thank god that ass hole is dead! "Wow Aylin, your strong for going through all of that!" "thanks." she shyly said. I left the bathroom to her and went up to check what Jackson was doing. I went over to his room first. empty. Then I checked that fancy room. I peeked in silently and saw him on the  bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and closed the door. I went back down stairs and knocked on the door ; she opened up and i just exploded with laughter. "what?" she said catching mer. "Oh I just saw something quite funny." "Tell me girl!" "Ohhhh ok hahahahaha!!!! I saw..

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