Later on in School

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I hated my teacher she was like one of the most annoying people I could imagine. Her name was Mrs . Kaminski She was short stubby and U-G-L-Y! All the time she would just give us a stupid easy assignment and give us all a B or C. Stupid right? No need to tell me, But THANK GOD she wasn't here today she called in sick. But today we had a sub, he was and old tall guy with wrinkles everywhere (DISGUSTING) God and I sat in the front row which made it worst I couldn't do slacking off or sleep cause he would always walk past me and the worst part was he smelled like shit. Yeash every time I would have to hold my breath, yes that bad. But My best friend sat behind me which I wasn't the only one. I looked back she was making the most retarted face ever almost as constipated, I laughed on the inside and turned to my right. He was sitting there a really hot guy I didn't know really besides he had one of the most sluttiest girl friends ever. She was a cheer leader and she ALWAYS bragged ; one day she was talking about how everyone was so ugly and she was the prettiest, (LIE) I heard her and I walked past and said "Shut your little hore MOUTH you dumb skank". Not Kidding she just gave me a look and I returned it with a Ehchk sound and eye roll. I turned back and looked at my paper, a filled up sheet of finding the answer to multiplication problems I mean really.

So soon class was over yet the ushualllll and I grab my backpack and go to second period, I actually liked it because my teacher was nice to me and I got a b in there. so I walk out in the hallway and as walking like everyday I see my ex, J gosh he was one of the stupidest people ever. well he was kinda smart, I meant like annoying a bugger and stuff. All the clothes he wore didn't really match it was like seeing a manequin in a store and putting all different brands on it! I only dated him because he liked me and wouldn't spread dumb rumors about me, god if so I would beat his ass. well besides that i'm taller than a lot of other people I guess that. so I walk in and see my teacher sitting at his desk and then it happened, Jackson comes out and gives me a faint smile. oh my god I literally almost died in that split second , he was wearing a cute white Hollister top an long straight jeans (wut I cant help it) which made him look nice. and some Nikes. gosh that boy makes me want to fall face first on the ground. so I get my notebook out and write our warm up and do the assignment. I see my best friends walk in lol and there smiling because Alexis sees her crush check her out. she always went crazy she hated him ha,. "hey". I said her smiling and coming in. "hi" she says. her crush liked her he was just to stupid not to ask her out. he was around the same height as me and had longish hair, his name was Tom he was a total ass no one really liked him because he was a dog and dated basically every girl but not me him, just a barf bag I mean really.

we all went to lunch me walking with Olivia and Ashlynne then meeting up with Alexis. we all sat our stuff down, chatted for a little and got our lunch. it was ush the funniest time during school where we could hang out and talk. I see Aylin walk in the cafeteria and I go up to her. "hey where were you this morning? u didn't answer my text and Erick was worried." I said with a concerned look walking with her, I saw her cheer friend B B walking behind. "Oh I was busy and I missed the bus. sorry plus my phone died" she said looking confused and got her lunch. "well did u talk to Erick yet?" "no" she said. " I didn't see him." I could tell something wrong was going on, I think she was having sex with her neighbor I heard her one night her mom said she was studying upstairs.. I just left said she was busy .. gross and how hurtful that would be if he found out, I mean really!" "oh ok well ttyl bye!" I said cheerfully getting my stuff going to leave soon. as I went to sit down I see Ashlynne was talking to her boy friend, Jack. he was cute but not really my type. I got my things and talked to Alexis. "yeah I totally thing Aylin is up to no good :(" I said "Well what are we going to do Erick has to know sometime!" she said with an angry face.

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