The night...

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You decided you were going to stay the night at his house!!!!!!! like for real u were actually going to stay at his house! wow niccceeee. "What? really do u think your parents will let me?" "oh sure why not haah!" "oh well let me call my mom and I'm gonna say I'm at my best friends house ;)" "Ohh good one haha". "yea I guess, hold on." you said calling your mom. "Hello?" she answers. "Yea! hi mom I was wondering if I could spend the night at my friends house Aylin, ill ride the bus with her in the morning. Plllllease?" "Oh sure honey but u have to get your clothes. did u ask her parents or did she say it was fine?" "ye she said its ok." you say winking at Jackson. "ok you be good!" ill see you tomorrow!" "ok love you mom!" "love you two!" she says and you hang up. "yippiee!!!!" you say getting up and hugging Jackson as he hugs you back. you jump up and wrap your legs around him and he falls back on the bed. "K, now I need you to drive me to my house and I needa get my stuff for tomorrow!" "ok babe lets go." he says trying to get up. you kiss him on the lips and go downstairs. ''ok you ready?" he says "pff yea!" you said getting in the car. he drives you to your house and you go inside getting your Vs duffle bag. it was pink and sparkley. you picked out some clothes and stuff just things to get ready. you also grabbed a pretty lace bra just in case :) you hurried up and went outside to see Jackson still there listening to music. you go out and put the bad in the back seat. you also had your little cross body bag. "Hey I was thinking about getting some food, whatya want?" "oh, I wasn't expecting this haha! but umm I don't really know. But I wouldn't mind to go to subway? how about you what do you want?" "oh haha I don't care. we'll just go there." he said rolling down the windows and heading off. the breeze felt good. I also liked to stick my hand out the window.

We got back to his house and went to the kitchen to eat our subs. I just got a regular one I would get and he got some meat kind with a bunch of stuff in it. we sat down ate and chat for a while. I got up and threw away my trash as he did the same. He smiled and sat back down drinking some of his drink. I got a orange fanta my favorite lol. I put my drink down and look over at him.  he just stares at me. "Hey, um you know your really pretty Marie." "oh.. um thank you." I say shyly "Yep your welcome." he says biting his lip and getting up. "Uhh I was thinking I need to take a shower. (bcuz u had gym today at school) "Oh .. ahuhuh erm. yea sure?!" he said looking around the room. "Oh ok. do you have a towel?" I said walking up to him. "Baby I can be your towel" he said winking and picking me up. "woah" I said. he carried me to the bathroom and set me down. he opened a cabinet and there were towels in the there. he gave me a light baby blue one an it was fuzzy. "Thanks!" I said giving him a big wet kiss. "ha your welcome." he said licking his lips and closing the door. ok now.. I thought to myself. I got my duffle bad and got my hairbrush, shampoo and conditioner out. I started the shower. I also took out some pjs; some pink heart shorts and a white v neck top. as soon as I got in man I didn't want to get out! it felt so good but I had to. I got out dried myself off and got dressed. I put on some vanilla lotion from b&bw. I couldn't see through the mirrior because it was all fogged up. I wiped down and saw I had fricken raccoon eyes! I quickly tried to wipe it off, not good enough so I scrambled through my makeup and thank god I had my remover. I splatted some of that and I got some in my eye! "oww!' I said trying to stop it. "Hey are you o k in there?" he said  "Oh yea I just got something in my eye. "mhhm" he said walking away from the door. well shit, I thought. I wipe my makeup off and put on some eye shadow and curled my lashes. I came out of the bathroom and find the most awkward position to be in!!!! 

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