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You kissed on sidewalks


Wind was rustling through the busy streets , the weather somewhere between cold and warm . Warm because you don't need to where jackets or sweaters and cold because you are not sweating or burning .

Harry decided today is the perfect day for a date. Yes, I and Harry Styles are going on a date . I know that it is not going to be hearts and roses and kisses because we will be out . Out , in front of the world to see.

We will already have to deal with paps asking questions about us hanging . And then fans going crazy about Narry .Yes, I know what is Narry and I also know that it is a ship name for Me and Harry. And how did I came across this ? Let's just say I get bored far too easily . But , I love it !! I am proud to say that our fandom is smart .

And I have seen various Narry proofs and now its my guilty pleasure . I have not said a word to Harry about this and I am planning on never saying anything.

I turned towards my left to look at the person I have come to like the most . We are walking down the streets to after a nice brunch . The food was great and the restaurant , we talked and laughed . Harry told his stupid knock knock jokes and of course I laughed .

Some times I have this urge to tell that guy his jokes are dumb but I don't have a heart to do so. Why you ask ? Well how can you say it to him ,when he crinkles his brow a little thinking a 'hilarious' joke , then his eyes twinkles and nose twitches as he goes into it and finally he will look at you with the most puppy dog eyes and almost on the brink to seat down and laugh  but will wait for your reaction first.

How can you not do anything but laugh . But I do admit sometimes his jokes are quiet funny .

" Harry ,why are you wearing those ?" I point at his two pair of sunglasses his wearing at once , I just don't get him .

" I am looking cool aren't I ?!" He says with an adorable smile full with dimples pointing at his face .

I fall in step within on the sidewalks , in his close proximity. Although the air is cool and the wind is brushing , the hover of his palm on mine are enough to make me shiver .

" More of a dork ." I say smiling at him and laughing when a small pout appears on his face. Oh , how I want to lick that pout away .

" Hey ! These are cool !" He exclaims as I reach his car ,  a hand stops me and I look behind .

" Not so soon Horan , we are going somewhere else." He has a smirk on his face as he leads me to different road . I am confused but also excited to know where he is taking me.


" Where are we going Harry ?Just tell me already !" I whine ,my legs already hurting .

" We are almost their ." he says and I look up my gaze that was once on his back now to the scene surrounding us.

There is a rusty green gate that Harry pushes open and we enter . There are lots and lots of big green trees and I notice the atmosphere becoming more cold . He moves ahead on a sidewalk , on the other side are huge trees . I look up as I fall in step with him watching as light sun rays passing through leaves above. Its beautiful and I have an idea how I look right now , as I hear Harry let out a giggle.

A Giggle , damn that sound.

I look down but slightly tilt my head up to him . He is moving closer to me , I can see . I quickly check to my left and right and before I can turn behind to see I feel hands on my elbow.

And his voice " No one comes here , this place is abandoned and we are deep inside this park Ni.' I nod my head unconsciously still looking at him and I can see his features.

His strong jaw , his emerald eyes , his soft hair , his cheekbones and sharp nose. My eyes wander to his lips , pink plump lips , prettier than any of the girls , so kissable that I want to dug my teeth in them . I then move again towards his eyes.

They are closer than before , going straight into mine a I feel as if he can see straight into my soul. And the feeling is scary but exhalerating at the same time .

I see him smile and I smile in return . I feel a palm at the bottom of my spine and I am pushed into his chest .
My hands automatically are pressed onto his chest feeling his specks.

His hands run up and down my back and then ghost around my hips pulling me in. My breathe speeds up as I have an idea what is coming next.

And its like everything happens in the blink of an eye . One second he is looking at me and the next his lips are pressing on mine .

I don't wait but instantly open my mouth ,his tongue coming in. And we are all teeth's, tongue and swirls and spits and grabby hands and thuthering hearts. And this kiss is different , it is all want , affection and full of bliss.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands travel inside my shirt on my back and it tickles causing me to smile then giggle into the kiss. We both laugh as I wriggle in his arms , I love his laugh. Its cute.

I put my head into his neck and he holds me in his arm's. We are now swaying in the middle of a forest , surrounded by birds and trees and wind on a music of our own. It is calm and soothing.

" This is nice ." I hear him say and a smile forms on my lips and I kiss his neck
" Yeah." I agree leaving a small breathe .

"God , you are beautiful Ni." He says pulling me more closer as if it is even possible.

" You are more beautiful than me Haz, You are handsome ."

He laughs and kisses my forehead and I remove my head from his neck to look up at him.

I pull his arm and we began to walk . Half way his phone rings and he picks up leaving my hand. There is sound from the other side and I feel him freeze but don't question it. I pull my phone out checking for messages . We walk to the entrance of the said park , him being couple of steps ahead of me still talking on the phone.


After 45 minutes of calling Paul to drive us home , signing autographs and then moving out of paps eyes we reach home .

As Harry is about to get out of the car I stop him .He looks at me with confusion in his eyes and I smile at him , still holding  his hands.

" I had a great time today ." I say with a smile and lean up to kiss him .But as I near him he gives me his cheek . He then quickly presses a kiss on my cheek and I can't help but frown.

"Me too Ni , I am glad you came with me ." He says timidly.

I let it go , he thinks I don't notice but I do. His mood has suddenly change from happy and teasing to quiet and timid. But I don't say anything , just let him have his space .

For me the day has been quiet wonderful and I am not going to let this ruin it . I remind myself of the date ad that blissful kiss and a smile automatically forms on my lips.

I keep this feeling with me and get out of the car to go inside.



Ohhhh.. Things are about to go down in Narry Land

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