Dreaded Dare - 28

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Skye's P.O.V

It was finally the day I had been looking forward to for the past three days: New Year's Eve and to say I was buzzing was an understatement. This New Year's would be my first with Hunter and I was spending it with all my family along with my best friends at Hunter's house for a get together. Apparently Hunter had a surprise in store for me and there was a buffet cooked by Colleen.

As soon as I woke up I quickly packed my overnight bag before slipping on my new 'Victoria Secret' bra and matching pants along with a black and white striped top from 'Topshop'. I then put a denim dungaree dress over it before putting on some new black sparkly shoes. After that I curled my hair before applying some gold makeup- since I wanted to put an effort in for my first 'New Years' with Hunter.

Once I was ready I headed downstairs with Zach and Harvey where we got picked up by a chauffeur who took us directly to the 'Adam's' household.

As soon as we arrived I ran through the front door and began my search for Hunter, he always hid when I first arrived and always made me jump so this time I was being aware of all the little nooks and crannies he could be hid in. The first place I entered was the comfy room as I began looking round till I felt two hands on my waist which picked me up and spun me round.

"Hello Gorgeous" Hunter complimented me with a husky voice, he was such a cutie.

"Hey Hunt, I missed you" I told Hunter sadly before he got closer to me and connected our lips. People usually think that after so many times of doing something it gets boring but each time Hunter and I kissed it never got old, each kiss we exchanged felt like the first. It was magical.

"It's only been a day but I missed you more, I had to babysit Skye! Babysit. Anyway it's five o'clock already, do you want to come with me and the others outside to have a massive snow ball fight? You can borrow a spare coat and gloves." Hunter asked me causing me to squeal in excitement because since the snow had arrived I hadn't really had much time to go out in it so now was my chance.

"I'd love to have a snowball fight; I want to make a snow man as well since I haven't spent much time in the snow at all." I told Hunter excitably as he started looking in his wardrobe for something until he pulled out his jumper and a pair of plain black gloves which I gladly put on since it smelt really nice.

Once everyone was ready we were about to go outside for a snowball fight but just as we were about to I heard a little voice behind me asking to come out with us but this voice didn't sound familiar.

"Can I go in the snow Auntie Colleen?" A delicate voice asked as I turned round to see what I thought was the cutest five year old ever, she had the most beautiful emerald eyes I had ever seen laced with blue and she had quite a petite figure along with light brown hair which was in two pigtails as she stood there looking at Colleen with pleading eyes whilst she started fiddling with her dress.

"Well it depends on what Hunter says, Jessie, Hunter would you mind if your cousin came outside with you?" Colleen asked Hunter with pleading eyes, but as usual my boyfriend accepted the offer since he is too nice for his own good.

"Okay but Jessie you'll have to behave, anyway I haven't introduced you two yet. Jessie this is my girlfriend Skye. Skye this is my little cousin on my father's side Jessie" Hunter introduced us both as Jessie walked up to me with a little grin on her face before she gave me a little hug.

"Nice to meet you Jessie, now are you going to help me bring Hunter down in this snow ball fight?" I asked her smirking at Hunter as he looked down at me and Jessie with admiration in his eyes and he looked at me like I was an angel or something.

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