Dreaded Dare - 11

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Skye's P.O.V

At first the song was sung slowly until it got so fast I couldn't even keep up myself, and by the looks of it some others were the same. By the end of the first game I had took five measly and horrid shots due to the amount of times that I had missed movements and words to the song. After everyone had drunk we did another five turns before I was already slurring, stumbling and falling. I noticed everyone was heading back to their cabins except Hunter who stayed behind with me.

"You really aren't good at drinking alcohol and not getting drunk, I only had three shots, have some of my water and some of this apple I brought along!" Hunter told me and I thanked him, well I think he did but my words were all sloppy and all over the place. I drank all the water and finished the apple before stumbling forward a bit giggling at Hunter who was spinning round like a fairy.

"Carry me to the cabin Hunt-Hunt, ooh you look so very handsome I want to kiss you right now, but sober me might not like that!" I told Hunter giggling to myself as I kept speaking words I wouldn't dare say if I was sober. Hunter ignored me but I knew he was enjoying this due to what I thought was a smile on his face. Hunter carried me back to the cabin and tucked me before pecking my cheek lightly.

"Your hoodie smells nice Hunt. Anyway I'm sleeping, shh don't wake me up" I told Hunter feeling woozy but I couldn't contain the small amount of giggles I let off after.

"It's one in the morning I would expect you to be tired, night Skye!" I heard Hunter say as I closed my eyes till all went black and I was in what I'd call hell, my very own personal nightmare which often haunted me.

A year ago...        (Skye's dream)

I ran away trying to get away from the mean bullies chasing me: Avery and Shannon. They had been chasing me for an hour already and I was exhausted, I kept running towards my house but my legs started to get tried. Why were they even chasing me? I hadn't done anything to them, I don't even know them.

I kept running at a steady pace but before I knew it I fell forward on a small tone causing me to hit the ground in a 'BANG'. My leg was aching underneath my body and as I tried to get up my leg went dead causing me to fall back onto the ground, now I had no chance of escape since Avery was stood right in front of me.

"Well hello Skye, I have some business that involves you. I need you to do me and favour and leave Kyle and Caleb alone, they're ours and we know you want them all for your measly self because you're a selfish whore but we can't always have what we want can we? So how about you stay away from our boyfriends and find yourself some new friends, and by that I mean some nobody nerds. You think you're so cool because your friends with Caleb, Toby and Kyle but you're not, you're just an attention seeking whore." Shannon sneered but Avery stood still looking partially guilty as if she was forced into this confrontation.

"Just because your dad died a couple of months back that doesn't mean you get all the attention and sympathy, after all your worthless, I bet Caleb only feels bad for you so he pretends to be your friend. You have no talent and you're an utter mess, one glance at you and I'd be put off my food. I don't even know why Caleb is friends with you, your hideous, your something someone tried to erase but died in the process, so get away from them or else, there will be trouble" Shannon told me screaming and spitting at me as I tried not to cry, but as soon as she mentioned my dad that was it, every part of me went weak, how could they mention him. I had only come back to school a week ago and I get this shit of them, what had I ever done to them?

"T-they're my best friends, I need them by my side to help me, y-you d-don't understand, they're the things keeping me alive at the moment, my life supports. I don't fancy them you can have them all to yourselves but don't hurt me" I shouted in fear but Shannon just rolled her eyes and sighed.

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