Dreaded Dare - 26

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Skye's P.O.V

I stood there for a minute waiting for kick off when the whistle finally blew. The other team kicked the ball and off I was.

I tackled a bulky looking guy passing the ball over to Steve who then quickly passed it up to Scott. Scott got tackled but kept pushing and he needed up getting the ball back. Scott then passed it to Ollie who tapped it to Hunter. Hunter then elegantly swerved round 2 players before finally passing it to me.

With all my determination I pelted the ball aiming for the back of the net but it missed by a couple of inches and to say I felt embarrassed was an under-statement.

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath

"Damon it's fine, you did your best just keep it up" Hunter told me with his hand on my shoulder, I nodded taking a shaky breath as we continued.

With five minutes before half time was due to end I passed the ball to Hunter who smacked it into the back of the net. By the end of the first half it was 1-1.

I had a massive gulp of my ice cold water and had a nice chat with coach which spurred me on before we were dragged back on to the pitch. I took a deep breath and when the whistle blew I passed the ball to Hunter who passed it to Ollie.

But because the defence was upped on their side it was a battle between the sides so the ball didn't really get anywhere. I heard the coach shout that we had two minutes and that's when I started stressing. If we drew we lost the league due to the other teams winning and our draw in another game but if we won then we won the whole league.

With his best effort Steve dribble past players smacking the ball to Ollie who dribbled near the other team's goal before getting tackled. Hunter was there as a back-up and quickly won the ball back then passing it to me.

For a minute the world around me froze, it was all down to me so I had to win: For my team and for Hunter. With all the thought and determination I could muster I brought my foot up and kicked the ball into the left corner of the goal and closed my eyes for a second before the whole stadium erupted in roars.

"WE SCORED, YOU DID IT SKYE!" Ollie and Hunter screamed before Hunter came up as well as the rest of the team who hugged me and tackled me onto the floor but the referee broke us up and we continued with the game. Before I knew it the whistle went for full time and we had won the league, never before had the rattle snakes won the league. We have always needed in second place, but today we did it.

The whole team shook hands with the other team. I ran up to Hunter and ran into his arms, for a minute Hunter was confused but hugged me back. After the other team had left the pitch I threw off my wig and took off my boots and loosened up as the school's band played our school anthem, don't ask.

The whole school was congratulating us and especially me as no one knew I was playing for the guy's team.

"SKYE YOU WERE AMAZING, OH-EM-GEE! I thought you were okay but not amazing at football" Jade was squealing into my ear.

"You were amazing Skye well done, and Hunter was watching you after you scored the goal, he couldn't peel his eyes off you" Zoe told me winking. I hugged them both before getting a few well done's from many popular and un-familiar people until the party stared.

"Do you want a hot dog?" I heard Hunter ask me and I nodded as he was pulling him to the cart. We got a hot dog each with onions and ketchup and a J2O.

"Now we have a special fire work show!" Coach announced to us all because the only people left on the pitch were the team along with Zach, Harvey on the pitch and a few friends of the team members along with Harvey, Jade and Zoe. Harvey was with Cameron eating his hot dog, Jade was with her boyfriend and Zoe was with Zach. Hunter came over and wrapped a blanket round us as we sat eating and watching the fireworks and wow it felt perfect.

"The fireworks are so beautiful, this football season has been so amazing" I whispered to a smiling Hunter as I put my head on his shoulder, next week after Christmas would be graduation and then we'll be going our separate ways.

"What are you doing after graduation Hunter?" I asked sadly.

"Well I was thinking of staying here to go to University due to good reviews then maybe start a sports academy for people with disabilities as my brother has a friend whose brother is blind but still does running and that's where the idea came from. I have been planning it for years now actually" Hunter told me with sparkling eyes, it was like he could picture it right now.

"That's so cool and I bet not many people would think of that, I'm staying here to see if I can become a paramedic and I might start a local girls football team" I told Hunter smiling and he smiled back then turning to coach and giving him a thumbs up, I was about to ask why but coach started speaking

"Right ladies and gentlemen, a young man in this audience has requested a fire work display for a special girl" Coach told us all winking at Hunter. I looked to the sky and all of a sudden a fire work went off saying 'Skye be my girlfriend?' (A/N you can get personalized fireworks)

"So Skye, I know I haven't been the nicest guy the other day but will you be my girlfriend? Also the ring is an infinity ring" Hunter asked putting a haribos ring on my finger I was close to tears; this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.

"I don't even know why you're asking, of course I will" I answered back as he leant in with his peppermint smell connecting our lips.

We are kissing. That one thought was swirling round my head. The kiss was passionate. The kiss, our kiss was just so........magical. As creepy as it sounded I had been waiting for this moment for ages and now it finally happened.

It was as if we were alone in our own floating bubble. Our kiss was getting more heated until I heard the voice of Harvey.

"No baby making on the pitch" Harvey shouted and I flagged him pulling apart from Hunter, I could feel heat rising to my cheeks.

"Skye, I have wanted to do that for a while but I have also wanted to say this. I....... I um...... love you!" Hunter looked at me shyly. "I love everything about you from the way you play football, the way you eat, dress, talk, and walk. God Skye! I just love everything about you and I know I sound like a softie but you changed who I am and you also did save my life in a fire and I would do the same for you. In a heartbeat! "Hunter told me smiling, usually I would cringe at this but when it is being said to you your heart melts, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Well I'm glad I brought out the real Hunter. I love you too, I have for a while actually and couldn't imagine my life without you" I told him smiling.

For the rest of the night me and Hunter spoke a lot, danced a lot and more importantly kissed a lot, and all I knew is that Jade had a lot of pictures, that she ended up sending to me, on her phone.


It was getting late and I was dozing off so Hunter carried me bridal style to his car and dropped me off home.

"Thank you for the ride and the best night in a long time" I told him smiling

"It's okay, also I forgot to say you look beautiful in your football kit" he told me smirking causing me to blush a light shade of pink.

"You need a shower anyway" I told him jokingly "I'm going to go to bed so I'll see you tomorrow"

"Do I get a goodbye kiss?" he asked smirking causing me to roll my eyes as I stepped towards him and kissed him and yet again it was longing and passionate but I soon pulled away as my breath ran short

"Good night Hunter" I told him smiling as I stood at the door smiling

"Good night short cake" Hunter told me giving me a hug as he kissed my neck lightly. He walked away smirking before I closed the apartment door and threw on some pyjamas squealing into my pillow. All of what had just happened tonight fills my head.



Your votes and comments will mean the world so if you vote and comment thanks so much! I have edited all my book I am just letting me friend read and edit anything I have missed out! This is dedicated to   for her help with editing this book and other books! I have 3 books in drafts at the moment I am editing so sorry if I have slower updates :)

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