Dreaded Dare - 12

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Skye's P.O.V

I took off my blindfold and looked round the room where everyone stood and I couldn't figure who kissed me, but all I knew is that it wasn't Ollie as he was the first person who I found. So if it wasn't Ollie, who would it be? I looked round the room of boys observing their faces but they all looked the same; red cheeks and messy hair which made it so I couldn't spot the culprit. Since it was the next game I hid with Caleb behind a stack of chairs before I figured we were the last ones left.

We stayed where we were for five more minutes before Ollie gave up and turned the lights of seeing me and Caleb sneering at him. After the game had finished I walked to the karaoke machine pulling along Caleb and a scowling Hunter to the stage then putting on the song 'Sorry' by Justin Bieber. Firstly I made Caleb start off by singing the beginning part which went too fast and then both me and Hunter sung the chorus until it came to my solo. I started to sing for a while till it was back to Caleb the squealing cat, but I couldn't help but blush as I felt Hunter staring at me with surprise etched on his face.

"You're an amazing singer you know!" Hunter told me smirking cheekily before carrying on with his solo. I then bowed when the song came to a close along with Caleb and Hunter and I then went to take a seat, but before my bum could hit the chair Ollie was dragging me up to the front of the room yet again.

"Can we sing 'Everybody' by Backstreet Boys then go straight in to 'Man? I feel like a woman!'?" Ollie asked me and I squealed in excitement as I knew both those songs and knew this was going to epic.

We both started singing in high pitched squeals for the first verse before doing some strange dance moves. Then for the rest of the verses we went back to back doing the air guitar whilst singing very badly.

"Oh my god, we're back again. Brothers, sisters, everybody sing!" we both sung getting laughter from the crowd. After we finished the song Ollie quickly changed it so it went straight into 'Man! I feel like a woman'.

Ollie started twerking at first doing a sassy walk up and down the stage and would then start pouting, and this was all whilst singing.

"Man! I feel like a woman! "I sung seductively in a cat voice whilst doing creepy faces, at one point I just danced along to the song howling at some points but I let Ollie take most of the spotlight. Once we had done our song Toby, Kyle and Caleb went up to sing 'Toxic' as if they had rehearsed it. At first they started stroking their leg and doing weird dances before doing impressions of Britney spears singing before I had tears in my eyes but Ollie was too busy on his phone to pay attention to the amazing performance taking place in front of him.

"Ooh are you texting your girlfriend Ollie?" I asked him smirking and nudging him causing him to turn beetroot red.

"Her name is...Jessica, we met at this guitar class and I asked her for her number and we've been on three dates but I haven't asked her out yet, I'm too nervous to!" Ollie told me going red as he spoke about it.

"Why don't you ask her? You've been smiling so damn much for the past ten minutes because you've been texting her, she obviously makes you happy!" I told him thinking about if I was Jessica; she would be dying for Ollie to ask her out right now.

"Shall I ask her out on our next date? I'm supposed to be taking her to a cricket match to watch England?" Ollie asked awkwardly scratching his head and I nodded causing him to smile and go back to texting this Jessica girl.

Whilst Ollie was texting Jessica I got up and got myself a load of random drinks taking them back to the table pouring and poured them all in to a glass. I then headed to the dance floor blending in with the rest of the team as I danced and drank.

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