Dreaded Dare - 25

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Skye's P.O.V

"WAKE UP!" I heard Harvey scream as I opened my eyes to see him in a clown mask and Zach next to him as the joker.

"AH, I HAVE A GUN UNDER MY BED!" I screamed getting out of bed and running to the corner scared to death, what was until they took off their masks revealing Zach and Harvey both red faced with laughter.

"Well it got you out of bed, now get changed. We're both going to make you a big breakfast since it is the last game!" Harvey told me smirking whereas Zach was too busy laughing at my face.

Once they had both left I showered, applied makeup, curled my hair and then threw on a long sleeved crop top and a high waisted skirt with cute buttons. I then put on the pants she bought and a pair of sandals before putting on some Victoria secrets spray, this stuff was my life.

"SKYE YOUR BREAKFAST IS READY!" Harvey shouted and I ran into the kitchen to see a plate of eggs, bacon, hash browns, beans and a piece of buttered toast.

"I swear you two didn't make this, Zach you always have take aways and Harvey the last time I saw you cook you nearly burnt the house down!" I exclaimed as I dug into the delicious and may I add scrumptious meal, did they buy this?

"I might have attended some cooking classes with my dad back home" Harvey told me and I laughed squeezing his cheeks like you would do with a little kid.

"Aww you're growing up!" I said jokingly as I carried on eating till the whole plate was licked clean. I then grabbed all my football things and school books and headed towards the door.

"Zach, Harvey will you come to the game? Maybe bring Cameron!" I told Harvey wiggling my eyebrows.

"We'll come yeah, and wait how do you know about Cameron? Zach if it was you I'm going to-"Harvey went on embarrassed.

"Zach will explain how I found out; anyway I have to go since Hunter will be waiting!" I told them both before kissing each of their cheeks and running down the stairs and out the door.

I looked around for Hunter's car but couldn't see it. I was about to pull out my phone and ring him before a blind fold went over my eyes and put me gently in the car.

"Who the heck are you?" I asked the stranger who put a blind fold over my head.

"Calm down, you're not being kidnapped!" the voice told me but it sounded robotic as if they had a voice changer. I was going to move my hands but they were being held down so I just stayed still as stupid as it sounds.

The car journey went on for ten minutes before the engine turned off and I was being led through what I think was a door. I heard someone speaking for a while before my blind fold was removed.

"Hunter what the heck am I doing here?" I asked him looking round a sports shop.

"I wanted it to be mysterious as I had to pick up something from this shop for you and decided to surprise you!" Hunter told me smiling.

"I thought I was being kidnapped" I told him with a glare before seeing a box in front of me wrapped in golden paper.

"What is this? It isn't even Christmas" I told him but he gestured for me to open the massive box and I did. I then tore open the cardboard box and squealed when I saw what was inside.

It was a new football top and shorts for the school with my fake name on. As well as that there was a pair of red socks and then the other two items made me burst out in excitement. I saw a pair of Nike Mercurial Lite CR7 Lava glow shin pads along with The Mercurial Super-fly Pro boots in pink, I had wanted these for ages! I burst out squealing and jumped on Hunter hugging him tightly kissed both his cheeks numerous times

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