"You can assume correctly," Barry said into the phone. His voice was softer and nothing like it was in person. Gwen rested herself on the counter.

"When did you have time to put your number in my phone and really the streak?"

There was an exhale. "Well, I couldn't use the flash. And while you were leaving I did it."

Gwen could feel her cheeks blushing up. "Using your powers to get a girls number. How genius of you."

"I am pretty smart you know."

Gwen nodded, although no one could see her. "And what are you still doing up at quarter till 2? Doesn't super heroes need to sleep?"

Barry shrugged and chuckled a little. "I could ask you the same thing, screamo." There was a pause. "Like the name?"

"Uh—no. And who said anything about names?"  Gwen pressed her lips together.

"I just thought it sounded cool—"

"Barry we agreed that I wasn't going to get involved."

"Oh, I know..." He trailed off, again. "Come to the window."

Gwen cocked up and hesitated to go over to the window, but she slid herself off of the support and walked over to the kitchen window and gazed out of if.

"Look down, Gwen." Barry said and Gwen smiled as he said her name with such ease. Her eyes bounced down and she spotted Barry with a red jacket on and some jeans. One of his hands was stuffed into his skinny jeans (Gwen was amazed how boys could fit into them) and he had a slight smirk on his face.

"Come down." He smiled and said into the phone, keeping his eyes on Gwen. She looked behind her towards the couch to see her friends still sleeping.

"What for?" She asked. Barry was a guy who adored the strange—that's one of the reasons he became a forensic scientist—and when he met Gwen, a girl who was very indeed strange, he just wanted to get to know her.

He shrugged. "It's a beautiful night in central city. Are you up for a walk?"

Gwen shrugged back, "I don't know. My friends, um, are—"

Barry shook his head and cleared his throat. "Don't make me come up there in the next three seconds and swift you away from your apartment, Gwendolyn!"

Gwen smiled and then left the window. Barry furrowed his brows and could hear her breathing through the phone as she walked over to her apartment door and didn't hesitate into opening it.

"Come on, then." She whispered and looked over at her friends who were drooling all over each other. Barry was confused for a second, but then he appeared in her doorway and ended the phone call.

"Well, hello there." His eyes looked around the apartment. "Nice apartment," Barry mumbled, but his eyes followed over to the couch and then he covered his mouth to keep quiet.

Gwen leaned against the doorway and shook her head. "Your speed still amazes me."

Barry wiggled his brows and then reached out his hand. "You ready then?"

Gwen looked down at his hand. His hand was smooth other than the small calluses on the top of his palm. She wanted to go just to get away. She wanted to go to clear her mind so maybe she could actually sleep. She really didn't know Barry and part of her was scared. She was scared that her life would be changed if she got close to every one at S.T.A.R. Labs.

She grabbed his hand and in two seconds the door shut behind her and she was pressed against Barry's chest and he started to run as fast as he could. They were out of the apartment building and went down the streets so fast that Gwen couldn't tell where she was at or if she was in Central City anymore.

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