"Sorry, darling let me get that door for you. I didn't mean to scare you." The hand pushed the door open further and I had no choice but to turn around and say something.

"That's very kind of you." I said as I stepped through the door turning towards his outstretched arm and looking up at his face, he was smiling down at me and I smiled back. I turned around and went straight to my mom who already had the passenger side door open waiting for me.

"Get in honey we have to pick up uncle Gerry a block up at the hardware store."

"Okay," I said as I climbed in and buckled my seat belt, my mom walked around the front of the car and waved to the man who I presumed was still watching us. She got in started the engine and pulled slowly out of the parking lot, we were both quiet until we rounded a corner and was out of view of the 7-eleven.

"Crawl in the back, honey."

"Okay," I said not bothering to question her, I unbuckled my seat belt and crawled in the back buckled up then leaned back into the leather seat.

"Mom, I think that man at the entrance and the girl at the restroom were Werewolves, I don't think they were the only ones." My mom turned back and looked at me.

"Minnow you have no idea, hopefully they were just local Were's. Now lets go get Jaquine."

Jack or I should say Wolf was really at a hardware store, he put in some new dents into his glove box when he found out about the Werewolves we ran into. He asked to smell my hand so I held it out for him to smell but he didn't know the scent.

"It's good that I don't recognize the scent, if I did we would be in a lot of trouble right now. Either way I don't think we should stop tonight."

So that's what we did, we didn't stop driving for eight hours but of course I had to pee again but this time he pulled over to the side of the road, thankfully my mom brought a roll of toilet paper with her. With in five minutes we were on the road again. Apparently vampires don't need to pee and werewolves have bladders the size of Texas. When I was peeing my mom and Jack traded places so I knew we wouldn't be stopping for a long time.


We drove for ten hours straight and I was starting to get anxious and my legs were cramping and I was in a all around horrible mood.

"Are we going to stop soon?"

"Yes honey, I'm sorry I forgot you probably need to get out and stretch."

"And you don't."

"No," they both answered at once.

"I wasn't asking you Wolf."

"Minnow," The way my mom said my name I knew she wanted me to apologize but there was no way. I wasn't a child, if I didn't want to talk to him I didn't have too. I sat up and stretched my arms and I caught his eye in the rearview mirror, he winked at me. I sneered at him then looked away and that's when the back of my ear went in full itch mode. My eyes flicked back to the rear view mirror and he was smiling at me, 'Asshole,' I mouthed at him but all that did was make him laugh.

"What's so funny?" My mom asked opening her eyes.

"Nothing, I was just thinking I have an itch to scratch."

"And you think that's funny."

"Yeah, I can't seem to reach it, it gets itchier and itchier by the second."

"I miss being itchy." My mom said as she rubbed her hands together.

"Why?" I asked refusing to scratch behind my ear even though it is driving me nuts.

"I'm not sure."

"You getting itchy, Minnow." Jack asked and we locked eyes in the mirror.

"No, just because your itchy doesn't mean I am." I said giving him a dirty look.

"I scratched your itch earlier will you scratch mine." The look he gave me in the mirror made my cheeks redden and I looked away.

"Jaquine, watch it, she's not eighteen yet and just because I let you help her earlier doesn't mean I will let you again." He looked over at my mom.

"Oh, course Sydney but I do have a itch in the middle of my back. If I lean forward she should be able to reach it."

"Here, use this," My mom said handing him a back scratcher out of her carry on bag, I wonder what else she has there. I thought as I watched Jack take the back scratcher from my mother.

"Thank you," he said as he used it on his back looking at me the whole time in the mirror.

"Feel good Wolf."

"If you insist on calling me Wolf, I will have to show you how this Dragon likes it." Ooopps totally forgot he wasn't a wolf but a dragon, how was I to remember that with all the talk and everything else wolf. I forgot he wasn't one.

"You forgot didn't you."

"Maybe," I said turning away from the mirror and laying down and stared at the car head liner, the mark behind my ear flared up again and I scratched it softly. "Sorry." I said just loud enough for him and my mom to hear and the itch calmed down, great he has more control over my body then I do.

"I'll pull over at the next rest stop and we will stretch for awhile, I need to make several phone call any way." He said loud enough for me to hear.

"Good, I need to call your father, I'm starting to get worried. I haven't heard from him in twelve hours."

"I'm sure he's fine Sydney."

"Thank you, Jaquine."

"Yeah, mom everything will be fine." I said from my prone position, I just wished I believed it myself.

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