Chapter 21- New Apartment

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A month had now passed and Joel and I were back in London, During our last week in America we decided to try and get a place of our own. We loved living with the people that we lived with but we needed our own space now that were engaged. Over the week we have been to a couple of apartment viewings non of them were any good except for the one which we last looked at. It was a beautifully laid out apartment over looking the river themes it had beautiful interior which meant that we wouldn't have to decorate, It was also two bedroomed so we could have visitors stay. We decided that we would take the apartment quickly beofre someone else did. Max was okay with me moving out but I had to promise him that I would invite him and the others round every now and then, Of course I obliged because I would miss them all so much if I didn't.

Max and the others helped us move our stuff into our new place Joel and I helped too but we understood that many hands get things done quicker, It took us 5 hours to get everything sorted and the place really did look rather homely when everything was sorted. Everyone said their goodbye's leaving us to settle in our new place. " This is lovely Joel, I'm really happy with this place" I said resting my head on his shoulder " It is isn' it, Same it's got such a nice view overlooked the river" Joel said wrapping me into his arms. I nodded in agreement and snuggled closer into his chest. We watched some TV and had something to eat and we decided to have a movie night in the evening. We both chose some of our faveorite films to watch. We watched Marley And Me which caused us to blub quite a bit we sat locked in each others arms all throughout  the film. After we watched a couple of films we decided to call it a night. " Shall we go and try out our new love nest then" Joel said while laughing " Who says we will be making love in it hey" I teased which made Joel giggle even more. " Well I'll refrase it shall I, Lets go and try out our new bed" Joel said looking at me with his trademark grin. " That's better" I said following him to our room. We cuddled in bed for a few hours and eventually fell to sleep.

The next morning I woke up very early I wasn't feeling myself so I went to the bathroom to try and wake myself up  in the hope that I would feel better when Joel woke up. I turned on the cold tap and covered my face with water, As I lifted my head up from the sink I noticed that everything was going black and I felt very dizzy I tried to blink to snap out of it but it didn't work. I fell to the ground and there I stayed until Joel found me hours later. " Poll, Please wake up babe" I awoke to Joel shaking me gently " I, I can't my head is pounding" I said holding my head wincing in pain. " It's okay, Take my arm and I'll take you back to bed"Joel said offering me his arm. I gently got up and attempted to take his arm, I fell to the ground again as I tried to walk . The next thing I knew I was waking up in hospital with nurses running around me, I glared around the room looking for Joel I eventually found him he was sleeping in a chair next to my bed. I opened my eyes wide which caused the machines I was on to beep aggressivly. Joel jolted up with a look of relief in his eyes. " Everything's going to be okay" He said kissing my head. " What happened Joel, Why am I here" I asked wanting answers. " Do you remember me waking you up yesterday morning when you blacked out" Joel asked while holding my hand. " Urm yeah I do" I said wondering why that mattered. " Well you blacked out again but I called an ambulance because I was crippled with worry, the paramedics brought you here and doctor's ran some tests on you the resutls will be back later today" Joel said looking into my eyes. Before I could say anything a chripy looking female doctor came into my side room clutching my notes. I sat up gently and greeted her. " Hello Pollyann, I'm Dr Santanah, Nice to meet you" she said offering her hand to shake " Hello" I said shaking her hand. " We've ran some tests to see why you blacked out, Are you ready for me to tell you" She asked. " Yes I'm ready" I said as Joel grabbed my hand and gripped it tight as we awaited the news. " We took you're blood sugar levels and they were all okay along with you're blood pressure and again all was okay. I'm delighted to tell you that you are 12 weeks pregnant congratulations to you both" Dr Santannah had a huge smile on her face. Looks of shock filled mine and Joel's faces as we heard the words ' 12 weeks pregnant' I was barely 19 years old and I was going to become a mum, What would Max say to that I thought. Joel was sat with his head in his hands for a few moments, He looked up at me and said " I can't believe it , We were supposed to be using protection" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair " I thought that we were, I'm so sorry that this has happened, You can go if you want" I said welling up with tears. Joel looked at me with a horrified look, He gently lifted my hand and held it tightly saying the words " This is my fault as much your's, I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to support you and the little one, Yes I admit that it will be extreamly tough with the band comitments and telling family but it's going to be okay I promise" He kissed my head. I looked up at him and caught his beautiful eyes looking at mine. " I love you Joel" I said." Love you too"  he said as he gently kissed my lips. He soon left to go and get himself a coffee so I could rest. 

A few days later I was discharged from hospital. I told Joel that we would gather everyone together later that day so we could tell them about our news. " Are you sure, You want this so soon" Joel asked " Yes we need to get it out in the open sooner rather than later" I said in a stern tone " Okay babe, Shall we go round now" Joel asked. " Yes, I'd like to tell Max alone though as i think it will be easier, He deserves to know first" I said while picking up my things. Joel nodded in agreement. We them walked into the carpark and got in Joel's car. The drive was very nice, no akwardness just our thoughts on becoming parents. Even though we had many worries we also had lots of excitment brewing about knowing that in 6 months or maybe a little less we would have a son or daughter to call our own.

After a short drive we arrived at my old house. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Without much of a wait Max came to the door scooping me up into a hug " Oh my god, Are you alright, When Joel called to say you were in hospital I didn't know what to think" Max said while holding me tightly. " I'm okay. Look Max I need to tell you something" I said taking a deep breath Max looked at me with a look of confusion " Okay, Tell me now" He said. " Can we go somewhere quiet where no body will hear" I asked. " Yeah sure, Come to the kitchen" He said as he we both walked through the house into  the kitchen, Joel went and sat in the living room with the others he gave me a warm smile and I did the same back. Max and I were stood by the kitchen counters when I began explaining. " Please promise that you wont get mad at what I'm about to tell you" I pleaded " I promise" He said smiling. " Okay, Well they tested me for alot of things such as high bloody pressure, diabeates, epilpsy" I said, I felt tears filling my eyes I couldn't go on. Max put his hand on my shoulder for support " Go on" He said willing me to carry on " They told me that I was clear of all them things" I said as sobs began to overtake my speech causing Max to worry even more.  He helped me sit down and he sat beside me which made us sit with our backs resting on the kitchen counter our knees up to our chins it felt like old times when we used to sit like this when ever our parents were fighting. I gently rested my head on his shoulder. " Please tell me Poll" Max pleaded. I sighed and finally found the words to speak. " The doctor told me that I'm 12 weeks pregnant, I'm going to be a mum Max" I said as tears voiently fell down my cheeks. I lifted my head off of his shoulder in fear that he would kick off. "You're pregnant, When did this happen, I thought you would have been more careful" He said in a calming tone. I was really shocked at how calm he was being. " While I was away with Joel in America, We thought we were being careful. I'm really sorry Max I really am sorry" I said placing my head in my hands. Max put his arm around me he said " As long as you and Joel look after each other I'm happy for you,I'm going to support you through all of this. It's going to take me a while to get my head around it all but I'm sure this is going to be the best thing to happen for you" I looked up at him with a huge smile on my face. " Thank you so much, I thought you would turn against me because of this" I said. " Anytime, Why would I do that you're carrying my neice or nephew, I'm hoping nephew as we need another lad in the family" max said with a cheeky grin on his face. " Well I guess you'll find out soon enough" I said. We stayed where we were for a few more minuetes then we decided to join everyone in the living room.

Joel and I spent a few more hours at the house in the this time we managed to tell everyone about the baby, Everyone was happy for us and they each told us that they would support us every step of the way. I was relieved that everyone was on our side, I know I was almost 19 engaged and pregnant but I felt extreamly happy I felt that I belonged to something. On the way home we went and looked at some nursery designs, I know we had only known a few days about being parents  but we wanted to get everything ready for our bundle of joy when he or she arrived..................

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