Chapter 2- Happy Birthday Princess

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"OMG Riley, What are you doing here?" I fell into the open arms that were awaiting me and I felt safe and secure. "Don't say hello then rudey bum" Riley shouted in a sarcastic tone. "Sorry I'm just so happy that you are here, I thought you were staying with you're gran for a couple of months" I replied as I stepped out of Riley's arms. " I am, You do realize it's you're Birthday? And I'm you're best friend and I want to spend the day with you Is that to much to ask?" Riley questioned. "Of course not I'm just surprised that's all. Riley reached for my hand and kissed it gently. " Are we going to spend the whole day out here then, or are we actually going to do something?" Riley's tone made me smile I love it when he is like this.

We walked through the hallway and made our way to the living room we made ourselves comfy on the sofa. As we sat down Riley handed me a medium sized box with a purple ribbon on top. A big smile filled my face as I went to open the box. " You really didn't have to buy me anything, Just having you here is enough" I felt slightly guilty at what I'd just said but it was true he didn't have to. " Poll why on earth would I come to see you on you're Birthday without bringing you something to open?" " I don't know, Sorry I said that I'm just so thankful" I thought about what I had just said and burst into tears. Riley pulled me into a cuddle he rubbed my back and said " What's making you upset? Please tell me. What ever it is we can sort it together I promise" I sighed as I tried to pucker up the courage to tell him why I needed to cry. " I feel so lonely, Everyone seems to have left me its as if they don't want to know me anymore. The past couple of weeks have been the worst since Mum left for Antiga" I cried into Riley's chest " Listen, Things will get better it just takes time to get used to. It's not as if they have left you Poll they have had tough decisions to make and they have made the right ones. They still love you, just because they aren't around for a while doesn't mean they love you any less" Riley soothed. " Thank's for being here for me I don't know what I would do without you" " Its a pleasure, Now stop blubbing and open the box I want to see the look on your face"I looked up and smiled and began to open the box.

After a few seconds I had managed to take the ribbon off and made a start on opening the box. As I took off the lid a beautiful smell waffed past my nose without too much thought I knew exactly what the smell was it was Girlfriend by Justin Bieber. I winked at Riley and he smiled back at me. I put my hand into the box and discovered a small piece of paper I took it out and opened up the paper looking over at Riley with a confused look on my face.

* Meet me by the front door in 10, Wear something nice and keep smiling, Love you from Riley xx*

I looked over to see a massive grin on Riley's face " What are you waiting for Poll hurry up you're loosing time to get ready" "Okay sergeant I'm going" I giggled while walking out of the room, I made my way upstairs. When I got to my room I opened my wardrobe and got out a cute kitten print dress, I put that on and then did my hair and make up after this I put on my favorite necklace and earrings set then picked up my bag and made my way down stairs. " Wow you look stunning" Riley said with wide eyes " Thanks, Where are we going may I ask?" I looked at Riley hoping that he would tell me. " Er that would be telling, Now put this on and take my hand" I reluctantly took Riley's hand and he put on a blindfold, He lead me to a car of some sort I didn't know what sort but it smelt nice and had leather seathing. " Can I take this stupid blind fold off now please"I shouted " Nope not yet sit tight and be patient once you've done that for about an hour then you can" Riley laughed. " Okay then Mr undercover I shall be patient then it better be worth it cause you know how impatient I am" I replied. " Trust me its worth it" I felt Riley's lips touch the top of my head I smiled and enjoyed the journey in which we were travelling on. Excitement filled my body as the car sped up . It had been about an hour and the car came to a  holt, I heard the front door bang shut and felt the wind waft through my hair as the door nearest me must have opened. Riley took my hand and lead me out of the car. He lead me onto a path and he kissed my hand and said to me " Happy Birthday Princess" I heard a click of a camera and felt Riley's arm link in mine we walked up to a door and we went inside a building." Where are we?" I said sounding scared " Take off you're blind fold and you will see" Riley said. I did as he asked, My eyes widened as I saw where he had brought  me.....................

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