Chapter 10- Lovely New Fish tank

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I decided that I wouldn't mention who I was to Hannah because I felt that it wasn't the right time, It was really nice to meet someone who I have heard so much about I was grateful that we had exchanged twitters meaning we could keep in contact that way. Around 2 hours later it was my turn to get off the bus. I said goodbye to Hannah and made my way to my Nanna's house.

When I arrived at Nanna's I was greeted with a warm welcome and a lovely fresh baked chocolate cake. " Hello, Nanna how have you been" I asked " Pollyann my lovely girl, I've been very well thank you. Aren't I glad to see you" Nanna replied  while pulling me into a hug. " I'm glad to see you too, It's been a while hasn't it" " It sure has, Right sit you're self down and tuck into some cake, Would you like something to drink while I'm up? Nanna asked. " Can I have some diet coke please?" "You sure can, Coming right up" Nanna giggled while hurrying away to the kitchen. I love being in my Nanna's company she was my favorite person, As a small child I always used to go and stay with her of a weekend, Max would always come too we would have a nice meal, play games and have an overall lovely time. By the time I was 13   Max was 18 and he no longer stayed at Nanna's of a weekend because obviously he was a growing lad and loved hanging out with his mates, Of course he would visit her but not sleep over like I always did. These past years Nanna and I have become closer she is like my rock, I really wish I could see her more often. Nanna came bouncing in the sitting room carrying the piece of cake she promised and my glass of coke. " Thank's Nanna" I chirped " That's okay darling" she said as she handed me my refreshments.

After I had had my refreshments I went up to my room, I had to phone Max and tell him where I was, I owed him that at least. I sat on my bed and slipped my phone out of my pocket and began to look for his name in my phone book. A few seconds later I had found it and was waiting for him to answer. The seconds seemed like hours when finally Max answered "Hello, I'm so sorry for how I lashed out at you like that. Are you okay?" Max asked with a worried tone in his voice. I thought for a second and said " That's okay I guess we all say rash things in the heat of the moment, Anger does that to us, I'm fine thanks are you alright?" " That's exactly true, I'm so worried about you, Where are you?" Max asked. " I'm back in Manchester for a few days, I'm staying at Nanna's house, Don't worry I'm safe" I replied Nanna called from downstairs "Pollyann, Are you coming love I'm going to see Aggie who lives at number 47". " Ah!I can hear Nanna, You better go Poll, Text me later yeah?, Have fun at Aggie's hahaa and keep away from her fish tank, Tara" Max chirped " Will do, Bye Max" I replied while hanging up. If you are wondering what Max meant about the fish tank it will all be explained.


One summer's day about 10 years ago me Max and Nanna went to visit Aggie and she had told us to go and have a look at her lovely new fish tank that's what she had called it anyway, At this time I was only 8 and really shy I didn't want to go on my own so I asked Max to come with me I was surprised when he had said yes because most 13 year old lads would die at the fact of having to take their little sister to have a look at a 'Lovely fish tank'. I ran over to the tank and Max followed closely behind me, The tank was massive and had about 12 fish inside it I hid behind Max and screamed and started to cry it must have been because there was so many fish and I couldn't have liked that.Max gently picked me up and tried to calm me down he carried me back into the living room and I ran over to Nanna meaning we had to go home because I was in a bit of a state and I just wouldn't calm down. Max wont ever let me forget about the 'Lovely new fish tank' situation and loves to embarrass me about it. I still don't like fish and I really don't know why.......................

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