Chapter 15- It Would Break My Heart

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The next morning I woke up in Joel's arms. As I awoke I felt warm and refreshed meaning I had had a decent night's sleep. I gently unlocked myself from Joel's arms and checked my phone for any messages I did this quietly as Joel was still sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him. I had a few messages from Max and a few from Hannah, I replied to those and layed myself back onto Joel's chest and waited for him to wake. "Morning sleepy head" I smiled as Joel awoke. "Morning, Sleep well?" Joel asked and gently kissed my cheek. " Yeah I did surprisingly seeing as we are in a barn in the middle of nowhere." I chucked. Joel's warm embrace was enough to send me off into a peaceful sleep his beautiful soft scent sent me into a paradise of dreams. " This place is really special to me you know, I usually come here by myself and I practise chords and stuff on my guitar, No one can disturb me while I'm here and do you know this is my favorite place on earth" Joel told me. " it's a beautiful place, I really enjoyed myself last night I hope you did too" I looked over at him with a warm smile on my face. " I'm so glad you did, I loved it to be quite honest, Shall we nip into town to get something to eat or would you rather head home?" I thought about what Joel had asked me for a few moments and I said "I'd rather head home if you don't mind as I would like a shower before we head to the gig". " Okay then, I will drop you off." Joel replied with a smile, I gave him a kiss on the cheek in return. After a few moments we were leaving the barn and heading for the car. When I had got home I jumped in the shower and got myself ready for the gig.

Hannah and I were crippled with excitement during the 45 minute drive to the venue, We are both huge fans of Lawson and their songs and of course it meant I would get to see my beautiful boyfriend again after just a few hours of us being apart. I looked out of the window and waited  til our car pulled up in a parking space, Max was driving and Hannah and I were sat in the back where Max's girlfriend was sat in the passenger seat. When we got out of the car we were met by security who were there to keep us away from any unwanted attention. Lawson were doing a headline gig in a open plan park which could hold 4,000 people they would be on stage for about 6pm and me and Hannah were eager to get ourselves into the crowd and get geared up for the gig. We had to go in through  the back gate because we had Max with us and of course we would have all got mobbed if we would have gone through the general admission gate. When we got in we went straight to the V.I.P tent where we were greeted by Joel. "Hey babe" Joel said while pulling me into his arms " Hey Joely, You all set for the show?" I replied while sinking my head into his chest. " Yeah I'm just so eager to get on stage now babe, Do you want to come watch from the side of the stage?" Joel seemed to have nerves in his voice so I kissed his head and said. " I would love to, You are going to kill it out there like always, You can do it" I gave Joel a warming smile. " Thank's," Joel replied with a kiss on my cheek. " Joel get ready mate we've got stage in two" Ryan shouted over to where we stood. " Alright mate" Joel nodded. " Go on You'd better go I'll follow on and take my place by the speakers" I said "Okay babe I'll see you on the other side" Joel gave me a quick  kiss and went to take his place on the stage. Hannah and I took our place at the side of the stage and cheered as Lawson took to the stage. As Andy's beautiful voice filled the air and the strong sound of Joel, Adam and Ryan's instruments made the speakers bump me and Hannah were dancing and enjoying the atmosphere before we knew it the 45 minute set was up and we were making our way back to the V.I.P tent. " Wow that was fantastic" I shouted " I know, We need to see them again pronto" Hannah said using a rather excited tone. " That could happen I guess" I said giving Hannah a cheeky wink. We walked into the tent to see Joel and Ryan talking to one another, We gently came to a halt and I pulled Hannah's arm , I quickly pulled us behind a nearby trash can so we could catch some of what the boys were saying. " What the hell are you doing Poll?" Hannah whispered. " I want to hear what the guys are saying so shh" Hannah gave me a bewildered look and stayed quiet, We both listened for a couple of seconds and we heard these words. " I really believe that she's the one mate, I really do, Should I propose or wait a bit?" Joel sounded really happy and nervous at the same time. " Mate, It's intially up to you, But If I were you I would wait a bit, I know you've known Poll a  while now but you guys need to get to know each other aside from being friend's if you get what I mean" Ryan's words seemed wise me and Hannah smiled at one another at the sound of my name. " Yeah I get what you mean, I just don't know how long I have left to wait, We've got 2 weeks until we're off to America for a whole month and I might loose her during that time and I don't want that to happen Ry, It would break my heart" Joel put his head in hands and sighed aggressively. The words ' America for a whole month' stuck in my mind I leaped up and ran across to the exit with tears streaming down my face, I ran past everyone and heard Joel shout " Babe wait, You wern't supposed to find out like this, Please come back so we can talk". " Save it Joel" I shouted in reply. Maybe he did right by not telling me about the trip as he guessed what my reaction would be. But I didn't want to find out like this. It served myself right for listening to the conversation I guess.......

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