Chapter 16- Lots Of Love Joel x

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2 weeks had passed since I had last seen Joel I knew that he lived across the road from me but I still clouldn't face him. He, Ryan, Andy and Adam had left for America that morning each had said their goodbye's to everyone at a party the night before but I just stayed at home while the others went to the party. In many ways I was happy that I'd stayed in because I caught up with some errands which I had set myself but half of me was generally upset that I didn't go and say bye to the lads. Since the gig I hadn't left my room very much I would only leave to go and eat or take a shower. Hannah occasionally visited my room wanting me to help her choose outfits for her various dates with Nathan I loved this because it meant that I could socialize yet still stay in my room. Max and the others would also come and check up on me but I suppose that's normal when you live in a house full of lads. Throughout the few weeks I had received text messages from Joel pleading with me to go over to his so we could sort things out but I just deleted them, For some reason I was telling myself that I was overreacting at the fact that he hadn't told me about him going away. I was sat scrolling through Twitter when I saw a tweet which really did help me change my prospective of things.

Joel Peat- @LawsonJoel

"Off to America today with the lads to promote our new single! I can't wait to get out there and see all of our amazing supporters. I'm going to really miss it back home though especially my girl @Pollyann_JDB I really hope we can sort things out when I come home if not sooner."

A small smile filled my face as I read the words 'My girl' I quickly checked my mentions to see if any of my followers had tweeted me anything seeing as I hadn't seen some of them in a while I was greeted with thousands of tweets from the Geese telling me to sort things out with Joel people were saying how they wanted us both to be happy and that they were there for me if I ever needed them for support. It was lovely to see this from the fans because generally I was nervous about having to look at any comments from the fans but this was heartwarming. I didn't reply to anyone personally I just sent a tweet thanking everyone for their support. I took a deep breath and thought about what I wanted. I RT Joel's tweet and I decided to text him.

* To Joel x*

Hey Joel I'm really sorry for the way I reacted, Have a great time ;) and please don't worry about things as we can sort it when you get back. Love you loads :) x

 As I clicked the send button nerves erupted in my stomach, Was I horrible for just randomly texting him saying I was sorry or was I doing the correct thing? With a short wait my phone rang. I let it ring for a few seconds and picked up the phone. " Hey" I said with nerves in my voice " Hey babe, You alright?. I totally understand why you were mad at me, I'm really sorry that I caused you any upset, You do realize how much I love you?, These past two weeks have been so so hard being away from you" Joel spoke in a soft tone he generally sounded upset which made me feel so guilty. " I'm good thanks, I hope you are too. Thank you for understanding Joel, It's okay I'm sorry too for being distant these past weeks, I love you too" I sighed. " I'm so much better now I can hear your voice, How about I skype you tonight?" Joel asked. " Yeah okay that would be great as I'd like to see you're face as its been two weeks plus I'm sick of googleing your face and only getting pictures I want the real thing you know" I laughed. " Well today must be you're lucky day then" I loved the tone in Joel's voice it was almost as if he was smiling at me I could tell how happy he was. " I'll talk to you later then" I said with a huge smile on my face. " Bye for now babe" I heard a gentle kiss come through the speakers " Bye Joel" I did the same back I heard Joel giggle as I sent my kiss through the speakers. I decided to spent the rest of my day in my room up until 5pm, When 5pm came I went and joined the others in the living room we watched a bit of TV and had a laugh and a joke. Hannah said she didn't feel so good so she went up stairs for a lie down Max followed her which was slightly odd but I didn't think nothing of it. Around an hour or so later there was a knock at the door.

"Shall I get it?" I asked "Well you are nearest the door so why not" Jay said with a gleam in his eye. I sighed hard and quickly hurried into the hallway when the door knocked again, " I'm coming please hang on." I shouted as I made my way to the door, When I opened the door I was greeted by a delivery man. " Hello, Are you Miss Pollyann George?" The man questioned. " Urm yeah I am" I replied with a smile. He handed me a clipboard and pen. " Could you sign for these please, They were sent by special delivery and need to be signed for, They are only tickets I think." He said with a smile. When I heard him say tickets I was puzzled as I hadn't booked any tickets. " Okay then, This is a surprise I wasn't expecting any tickets, Thank you" I said as I quickly signed my name and handed the clipboard back to him , "Bye I hope you enjoy" The man said as he left the door way. " Bye, Thank you" I replied. I looked at the envelope with trying to look for clues as to who these could be from, I walked back into the lounge and sat back next to Jay. " ooh what's this then hey?" Jay said as he looked at the envelope. "Not a clue, But I guess I'll find out in the next few moments" I started to open the envelope but before I could I handed it to Jay and asked if he could open it because for some reason I was feeling uneasy about doing it. " Okay then, But as soon as Its open you can have a look first okay?" Jay sighed. " Okay " I smiled and waited for him to hand it to me . Jay had a little peak and looked at me with a huge smile on his face. " Thanks" I said with a smile I gradually opened the envelope and in my hands sat two plane tickets. " Oh my god Jay look" I said in an excitable way and showed him the tickets. " Hurry up and get ready as you'll miss the flight" Jay chirped. As well as the tickets in the envelope there was a little note which read '  See you in the next 24 hours beautiful, You and Hannah are coming over to America for our entire trip, Make sure you pack enough clothes, Love you lots love Joel x' Tears of joy filled my eyes as I looked at the tickets, and feeling of general horror filled my body, They were booked a week prior to our argument meaning that when Joel had asked me to be his girl he wanted to surprise me with the tickets that's why he didn't tell me that he would be leaving. I now knew why Hannah and Max ventured upstairs with one another. I gave Jay a hug and told him that I would see him soon I then went and joined Max and Hannah upstairs. I checked Hannah's room first but she wasn't in there so I finally went to my room to find her and Max packing my case. I helped them pack for a few minuets and asked them how long they had known about the surprise and they both told me that they had known from the word go. About 3 hours later Hannah and I were now on our way to the airport, Max offered to drive us I accepted and we were now in the car. " I'm so excited, I just can't contain myself" I said to Max " Glad to hear it, Make sure you let us know when you get to the hotel, Joel told me he would be waiting for you." Max said with a smile. " Will do, Oooh did he now" I said with a giggle. " I actually can't wait to hit the shops when we get out there" Hannah said while she was scrolling through her phone in the back seat. " Me neither, I'm really looking forward to heading to forever 21, I've still got those vouchers which Olly bought me for my Birthday, I'm going to see if I can find some new dresses as mine are getting a little dated" I said with a hopeful look on my face. " So the first thing we do when we have some time to go shopping is head straight to forever 21" Hannah said while looking out of the window admiring the view. " Sure thing" I said in a fake American accent while laughing " So you've turned American now then?" Max said with a slight giggle in his tone. " Yeah it must have been something in the water" I giggled. Without to much longer in the car we arrived at the airport, Me and Hannah squealed like two little girls as we made our way to the check in desk. Max accompanied us so we could get there on time. Just as we were about to board we said our goodbye's to Max, " I'll see you later then. Have a great time" He said while pulling me into a cuddle " See you soon, I'm going to miss you so much" I said with tears in my eyes, Max pulled me closer and said " Stop blubbing as you are gunna set me off, I'm going to miss you too, But it wont be for long and I know your going to be the happyiest girl alive in these coming weeks" I gently pulled away and wiped my eyes "I guess not, And I have a feeling inside me saying that its going to be the best few weeks of my life". Hannah and I picked up our luggage and we headed for the exit ready for the flight, We gave Max one last wave and quickly jogged to the boarding enterance, We took our seats and sat back and relaxed without much of a wait our plane took off and we were on our way to America.................... 

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