Chapter 6- A feeling I've never felt before

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I took a deep breath as Max and I approached the door step of the house he shares with the boys. I was so nervous but I really didn't understand why. Max must have picked up on my nervousness and asked " Why are you so nervous Poll, everything will be okay from here on in, The boys are going to love you and I bet you will love them just as much, You've met them tuns of times before so there's nothing to worry about. " This is a new start for me, I'm not used to being around males the only males I have been around are you and Riley. A house full of males is alot to take in." I replied. Max put his arm around me and said " I understand, But honest its going to be okay" I gave Max a smile and gently knocked on the door. After a few seconds the door opened and Tom was standing in the hallway inviting us in. " Hello Poll, You alright darling, I haven't seen you in a while, How are you?" Tom said while pulling me into a hug. " Hey, Yeah I'm feeling better thank you. I know its been ages" I seemed to answer him so confidently and I didn't know why. "Alright Max mate" Tom shouted over at Max " Yeah sound mate". Tom lead us into the living area where Nathan, Jay, Siva were all sat. " HELLLLOOOOOOO" Nathan, Jay and Siva sang. " Hello" I replied with a smile. " Come and sit down Poll" Siva and Jay chirped while making room for me to sit down. " Thanks" I giggled. I really didn't know what to say as I've never met the lads in these circumstances. " Want me to show you to you're room?" Tom asked. " Urm yes please if you wouldn't mind" I replied with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. " Of course I don't mind, Anything to help you settle in love." I smiled and a feeling I had never felt before took over my body. "Shall we go then" Tom asked while getting off of the sofa. " Yeah okay" I said getting up and joining him by the door

As we approached the stairs Tom offered me his hand. " I am capable of walking up a flight of stairs you know" I giggled as I accepted his hand. " I know" Tom smirked. When we got up the stairs Tom lead me into a large room and inside it had a wooden framed bed with a musical design, The bed stead had musical notes surrounding it. The walls were purple with posters of Lawson and Justin Bieber hanging up. The furniture was white matching the bed. I looked over at Tom and said " Wow this is amazing its so beautiful" " So all my hard work payed off then?" Tom smiled as he spoke. " You did this?" I said with a shocked look on my face. Tom sighed " Yes I did everything, As soon as we got back from America Max and the others were doing their own thing so I made a start on it, Max told me what you liked so I went out and bought it and made sure that it would be ready in time for when you were ready to move in" " Wow thanks so much, Why did you do it for me?" I asked Tom went unusually quiet for a few seconds he let out a sigh and said. " Because I love you Poll, I've loved you for a long time, Since the first time I met you I fell in love with you, I've always wanted the best for you and by doing this I could secretly show my love for you" What had Tom just said he loved me he's loved me for a long time, shock filled my body as I tried to find the words to answer him. " What's wrong, Do you not like it or something?" Tom said " I'm just shocked that's all, You've just told me that you love me and I'm expected to be able to give you an answer straight away? It doesn't happen everyday you know, Does Max know because I really don't think he's going to like it" I spat. " No Max doesn't know and I don't plan on telling him either" Tom didn't seem very happy with what I'd just said to him. I walked out of the room leaving him standing there with his head in his hands. I really should have handled the situation better but I didn't know what to do I often say thing's in the heat of the moment and most of the time those things I don't mean. As I walked down the stairs tears ran down my face. I secretly loved Tom too but I generally thought I had blown it by saying what I said. Before I went into the living room I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself I don't know why I bothered because the boys knew something was up. I stood by the door and Max approached me with his arms open wide. " what's up sis, Please don't cry I thought you were doing okay now" Max said while pulling me into his arms. " Nothing I'm just overwhelmed with everything, The room is perfect its just like my dream plan which I had made in my head" I replied. " I'm glad you like it and I know that's why I had it done for you" Max said while releasing me from his tight grip. " I'll go and make you a cuppa so sit down and I'll be with you in a minute. I nodded and gave him a warm smile. I walked over to the couch and sat between Jay and Nathan, Siva was out with his girlfriend so it was just me Max, Tom, Jay and Nathan in. As I sat and waited for my cuppa all I had on my mind was what Tom had said to me. I wondered what he saw in me and I wondered what he was doing as he was upstairs an awful long time. I got up off the couch and walked over to the door " Hey Poll, where you going love?" Jay asked. "I'm just off to the loo I'll be back in a min" I smiled as I walked out. I walked up the stairs and went to my room when I entered I saw Tom lying lifeless on the floor I let out a deafening scream and fell to the ground in shock..............................

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