Chapter 1- The knock on the door

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Part 1

Pollyann's P.O.V

Today was my Birthday my 18th Birthday, excitement filled the room as I got up out of bed. I looked out of the window to see an unusual sight of no car's in the drive way I wondered to myself why this was happening, Surely everyone would be home today of all day's. I expected to see my mam bounce in singing Happy Birthday like usual but today was different.

A few minutes had passed and during that time I had managed to get myself washed and dressed, I stumbled onto the landing while attempting to put on my slippers. I sighed and said to myself "Why make an effort if everyone is out". I walked downstairs and hurried into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. I made a quick decision of coco pops and a glass of milk, I strolled into the living room and sat on the sofa. As I was eating my phone buzzed I fished around for it in my pocket and unlocked the screen.

* 1 New Message sender: Max*

"  Hey sis just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, Hope you have a lovely day and don't forget to leave me a piece of cake hahaaaa! Sorry I can't be there I'm gutted that I'm going to miss you're big Birthday. Speak to you soon love you loads xxxx"

I clicked reply and started crying at the same time. 

* To: Max*

" Hey bro thanks :). I will do and Hahaaa cheeky I will save you the smallest piece of cake that was ever invented :P. That's alright it isn't your fault you are out living your dream so I'm happy :). Love you too xxx*

I pressed the send button and set my phone down on to the coffee table. Wiping a small tear from my eye.

In case you are wondering where my brother is he is currently in America promoting music with his band, He has been out there two months and won't be back for at least another 2-3 weeks. Charming eh? he has to miss my Birthday the biggest and most important one you are only 18 once right?

There was a loud and repetitive knock on the door it was so loud I nearly jumped out of my skin I leaped off of the sofa and slowly walked towards the door I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I shouted " urm hello who's there?" There was no reply I got even more worried because who ever it was wasn't answering . I always get nervous when answering doors so this made it worse. I took a deep breath and opened the door never did I expect to see the person who I saw standing in my doorway with his arms open wide...........

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