||I Hate Not Knowing||

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Annabeth's POV

I wonder what is the urgent news, I hope that it's not Percy. But who am I kidding with, of course it's Percy.

I can't believe that he's still alive, but I'm just so thankful and grateful that he is. That means there might still be hope. Though that is a slim chance.

"Stop thinking so negatively!" I chided to myself.

Anyway back on trying to get urgent news.

We tried Iris-messaging Grover. It worked...eventually. 

When we finally were able to contact him, he apparently forgot that we were waiting for an explanation.

"Why are you Iris-messaging me?" he asked.

I mentally face-palmed. "You and urgent news and had to end the Iris-message. What is the urgent news? You know that ADHD is killing us!"

"Oh yeah, right..." He said sheepishly, with his face brighter than Rachel's hair. Gods, her hair is so bright and red, I swear to gods that she could've reincarnated from a strawberry. Wait, isn't that a Hinduism or Buddhism belief or something? But we're dealing with Greek gods. But again, Sadie and Carter...oh, never mind! Stupid ADHD... I could usually control my ADHD, but ever since, ever since...he     was gone, I couldn't really do it...anymore. Oh, how much I miss him. I could feel tears threatening to spill. No, I am not going to go hysterical again, I am a fighter, I am the daughter of Athena. They don't cry. Anyways, it was already embarrasing enough the last time (kind of a long story). 

"So, uh, just a few minutes ago. I felt sharp jags of pain. Yeah, that's all. That why I needed to stop the Iris-message. Sorry about that." We all regarded him with curious faces. Especially me. I especially HATE not knowing.

He noticed our confused expressions and gave us an explanation. "The empathy link allows me to feel Percy's  pain. And it really hurts a lot."

Percy's pain? Hurts? A lot? Each word Grover said was like a dagger stabbing on me. It was all my fault that Percy aid going through this. I'm the worst girlfriend ever, I mean who leaves their soulmate in freaking Tartarus for Zeus's sake? I didn't care anymore silent tears rolled down to my cheeks and to the  tip of my chin, and straight to the floor.

Piper patted my shoulder. At least this time it wasn't hysterics. But this time, I did embarrass myself in front of Grover. 

I noticed that Grover said something but I wasn't in the mood to take note of it.

"Hey." Grover said.

I looked up where the Iris-message was held. 

"This is from Percy: "Annabeth, I honestly really love you from the bottom of my heart, and it hurts me more than being in Tartarus's armour to hear in this situation. Please don't grieve over me that much, please. Try to move on. And I love you, I swore on the River Styx that I'll love you forever. So don't you DARE blame yourself. It was my choice, and just remember I'll always love you.""

Oh, Percy. Those words just made me cry even more. Even the rest of Seven had eyes that were a bit more puffy and red now. At least I'm not the only one looking bad now.

I sniffled. How I really miss Seaweed Brain. But I'll make a promise to him and myself. I will TRY to move on, but that doesn't mean that I'll stop thinking of him. He's the light of world, the on,y thing that's keeping me from slowly sinking into the darkness. 

"I'll never forget you Seaweed Brain. Never." I whispered.


I know that it's kinda short so this is all I ask: please don't kill me and please forgive me. These days I'm just too busy with homework. I believe that there no need to explain the ultimate horrors of homework and it's time-consumingness. Hopefully, you understand. And I'm writing this chappie at like—what is it? Midnight? So I'm definitely trying my very best not to fall flat on my iPad. Thanks for 200 views! And have a lovely day...or night. Maybe I'll even get dreams on Percy Jackson, that happened to me...once. And if you're still reading this THANK YOU!!!


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