||I Get a Warning That I have a 95% Chance of Dying from Pain and Torment||

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Percy's POV

I was so glad that I was finally reforming and growing a conscious. I mean seriously, it was just dam gross to see myself dissolving. Haha, dam. I thought about that year when Thalia, Grover, and I were making dam jokes. The face of Ms. Old English was priceless! I sighed. The good old days...

I would never see them again, nor my parents, nor the Argo II crew, or Annabeth. I miss her so much. But now I'm just going crazy. I just swore to the River Styx that I would find a way out Tartarus's armor and see Annabeth again. What type of luck will that take? I don't suppose Tyche  would be so generous this time.

After my legs reformed, I tried to sit up, but they were just too sore. I sat there for who knows how long and finally sat up. I walked around hoping to find light, no luck. The only light I have is Riptide. I then thought of the craziest idea ever: I stabbed the floor. But all it gave off was a CLANG! Well, it's now at least good to know that the walls are bullet-proof and I can't stab my way out. I sighed. This was hopeless. Then a tingling feeling through my head, the tingling when I thought of a stupid idea: Hey, I have an empathy link, right? I'm going to contact Grover. How stupid is that? Very,my mind replied.

"Hey Grover." Darn, he's asleep. Um...let me think. Then this idea popped in my head.

"FOOD! They are serving enchiladas in the cafeteria! And they're free!"

"What? Where are the free enchiladas?!" That must be Grover.

"Um, sorry G-man, there isn't really food, I just said that to get your attention." I explained.

"Oh. That's too bad. WAIT! PERCY?!"

"Yep, it's me."

"I thought you were dead!"

"Gee, thanks for the encouragement."

"I mean seriously, the whole entire Camp Half-Blood believes you're dead. We even had ceremony for you. And this time you didn't go crashing your own funeral....."


"Grover, I'm so sorry. I didn't really mean to do any of it. It just kinda happened."

"I understand."Grover bleated. "Are you okay, though?"

"I'm fine."

"No, Perce, you're not. I can feel it, it passes through me. You're still in pain." What an amazing day, my pain is now going to kill Grover too, how wonderful. Maybe I should disconnect the empathy link or something.

"You are not going to end the empathy link. If you do you have a better chance of dying and I'm not dying on you."

"Well, neither am I. I can't let my best friend die because of me. You're a good person G-man, I can't let anything happen to you. You have Juniper and Camp Half-Blood to worry about. And if I die from pain, then so be it."

"Please Percy, don't do it." Grover pleaded. I could feel him on the verge of tears.

"I-I just don't know. Can you help get outta here? I sort of swore on the River Styx that I'll get out of here and see Annabeth again."

"Percy! Why in the world do you have to take chances like that?"

"Hey being a demigod is all about taking the risks."

"Di immortales! This is too much!" he cursed in ancient Greek.

"Wait someone's coming," he called.

Grover's POV

I can't believe it! Percy is alive! But seriously I need to get a way to stop the "ending empathy link" idea out of his head! Maybe it could involve some music or reed pipes...

"Grover, I see you're awake." Chiron said.

"Oh, yeah. Hi Chiron."

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yep, a lot better. Look, Percy just telepathically talked to me through the mind."

His eyes widened. He swallowed the big lump of sadness in his throat. "So, he's alright?"

"Well, not necessarily, he's a bit injured, and the fact he's in Tartarus."

"Tell him to be careful, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Should I tell Annabeth and the others?"

Chiron nodded. I sighed, I hated seeing the old mentor so broken. 

I Iris-messaged the Seven, and after a shimmering light it shown me the Argo II.

"Oh my gods. It's Grover!" Piper exclaimed.

"Hey Piper. Would you mind to call the rest of the Argo II here too?" Piper hurried off to find the rest of crew members.

Jason's POV


"Come in!" I called.

"Piper!" I exclaimed. She was beautiful as usual.

"So what's up?" I asked her.

"Grover has sent us an Iris-message and told the Seven to come."

"What's it about?"

"Don't know."

I hurried out the door with Piper and we told the others to follow us. Piper lead us to her room.

"What is it Grover?" Annabeth demanded. 

"It's about Percy." Annabeth's expression softened.

"Percy's alive." My eyes widened.

"You mean, he's still alive? Still surviving in there?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah." he said softly.

"In fact I could even talk to him through the Empathy Link.

"What does he say?" I asked.

"He—" Grover was then caught off, and then he was thoughtfully listening to someone.

He realized we were all staring at him and said, "Percy was talking to me."

"What did he say?" We all demanded (again).

"He says that, 'Don't worry about me. I'm fine, honest. I'm not even seriously injured yet. Well, I hope all of you to take care and remember you're all my best friends for life, and I love you all for that.' 

By the end of it we were all crying. How could he be so concerned for us, when he's not doing fine himself?

Grover then said. "Uh, something is happening right now. It's urgent. I need to go now!" 

And then the Iris-message ended only leaving us to wonder what is left to happen.


Well, I'm so sorry for not updating the story for so long. I was just busy with schoolwork and stuff. I hope you liked the chapter though, even though it was SUPER SHORT. I'm so sorry for that and the kinda small cliffhanger. Well byeeee, and have a nice day. I would probably be updating in the weekends. ^^


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