Chapter Ten: Something to Protect

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The group took Nona back to the palace, where they found the rest of the Helpers waiting. At least, the three they knew of: Valeriya, Gregory, and Fahimah. Amet and Justinus, of course, had come with them to the Tiber and now returned with them. After Sarah was satisfied that Nona would be safe and happy in one of the palace's many rooms, she returned to the main group. 

No one seemed to be in a talking mood in that room, so when Beth saw Matt motion for her to follow him, she quietly got up and left. Once they were out of earshot, he turned to her with a sheepish look on his face. "It turns out you were right, Beth."

Beth smiled. "Didn't I tell you?"

Matt grinned and held up his hands as if in surrender. "I know, I know." Then he grew serious. "Feria has done some awful things. I see that now. She has to be stopped." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Look, Beth, I can help, if you and your friends will let me. I understand if you don't, but I feel like I need to make it right-" He would have continued, if not for the giant bear hug Beth gave him. "Welcome to the team, my friend."


Sarah and Justinus could feel the overhanging dread of the battle before them weighing down on the room like a ton of bricks. Moving closer together, they said nothing, but thought of what could come next for them. They were engaged, that much was true, but what if one of them didn't make it to the wedding? It all suddenly became a real possibility. Justinus was the first to speak. "If something happens, I want you to know that I love you, and I want you to be safe and happy. Can you do that for me?" His brown eyes met the grey-blue ones of Sarah, and she laid her head on his shoulder. "Only if you can do the same for me." 

Gracina and Amet, too, spoke softly in a corner of the room. Their heads were close together, and the matching gold wedding bands they wore shone in the gloom. The watchful observer might be able to distinguish that Amet was trying to convince his wife of something. To the even more careful listener, what it was that he was trying to do and why would become clear. There were clues in the way Gracina wore her belt slightly higher, in the shared concern in the couple's eyes, in Gracina's slow acceptance of Amet's wishes. She stood slowly at last, and made her way over to where Sarah sat with Justinus. Sarah sat up, and Grace whispered something in her ear before leaving the room. Amet stood too, and Justinus joined him at the doorway with the other Helpers before they all left to discuss the next best move.

Charity watched the others silently and wondered if her story was truly important among the ones playing out. I don't even know how my story started! Just found in a little boat, not the true daughter of the chief at all...!  What on earth can I do? Grandmother Tallara would know...she might even be my Helper. Straightening quickly, Charity had an idea. I have to go see her. Right now. She left without another word.


Nona had been trying to sleep for some time, and at last gave it up. Stealing softly out of her new room, she peeked in to the room where the Empress- THE EMPRESS!- sat in deep thought with her friends Lunden and Averia. How royal she looks! I didn't think she'd be that tall, either...and so nice!  But all was not well, and Nona knew it. She shivered at the memory of Feria's brutality, both what she had seen and what had been done to her personally. Yet the Empress, or Sarah, as she had asked to be called, remained outwardly calm and went on with her fight. Is that what bravery is? Doing what you need to when it's hard?  Not letting your fear win? Nona smiled admiringly. I hope I can do that.

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