Chapter Six: A Bigger Plan

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At the corner of Fair Street and Walker Street in Atlanta, Feria walked calmly towards a group of people. She looked suprisingly comfortable in a time and place very far away from her own. Then again, this wasn't the first time she had been here, and it would not be the last. The first time had been one to scout out people who might be sympathetic to her cause- and preferably willing to time-travel. The first quality was surprisingly easier to find than the second. People around here seemed to rather enjoy where they were, and many had a slight aversion to the thought of time travel. That ludicrous theory about butterflies is probably to blame. Feria knew that most Romans would be ancient history in this day and age, simply skeletons to be uncovered by archeologists. But Feria refused to become merely a footnote in history. She was real and alive, and she had a vendetta just as strong. Today's meeting wasn't about mass recruitment, however. It was about using what she had to get what she didn't have. Today, Feria would be convincing her recruits that not only were Sarah and Justinus worthy of being targets, but so were all the Royals, Helpers, and all their friends. She addressed the crowd before her. "Good afternoon, associates." By the same magic that enabled the Royals to cross language boundaries, Feria was able to communicate with the small crowd. They only nodded once to acknowledge her greeting before she went on. "You know of the great injustices done by the Roman Imperials, and of my personal quest to free Rome once and for all. But by the magic that brings me to you, the wicked Empress has recruited help. Now not only Rome, but many kingdoms are in danger! The Empress may bring down the kingdoms of Ancient Arabia, Imperial Russia, Medieval England, Ancient Egypt, and Wild Australia have been betrayed already by some of their leaders, and the United States may be next!" That got a nice, shocked 'gasp' from the crowd. "Please, I beg of you! Let us not only save Rome but the other kingdoms! Be heroes and heroines among the figures of history!" The crowd was anxious now. "Meet me here in four days. Wear black, and bring a weapon or two. Maybe a sword? I'll assign you to teams to go after the Empress and her minions." The crowd agreed, dispersing back to their lives. Feria had high hopes for these blind followers of hers. She would have loved to kill every Royal and every Helper herself, but that was simply not efficient. News of an attack must not travel to the others, lest they be warned and flee. So, of course, Feria had to get some assassins. These were entirely free and entirely willing. They were her Plan A. If they were to fail, the Royals would be warned. Knowing Sarah had its benefits, however. Feria had quietly watched as many of Sarah's battle plans were created. Upon being attacked, Sarah would often regroup, then go out on a vicious offensive, scouring the land for her enemy. For Plan B, Feria would allow herself to be hunted. She had intelligence in a few of the kingdoms already, so tracking the Royals' movements would be relatively easy. She would allow the chase to go on, leading them on a wild goose chase through wildernesses of the seven kingdoms, until they either grew exhausted or turned against each other. Then she would simply send more assassins, the best she could find. All the Royals and all their friends would die on one night...except two. Justinus had thwarted her plan once, and his unending loyalty to Sarah made him contemptible to Feria. He would die a terrible death, probably slathered in meat juice eaten alive by wild animals. Sarah would be there to watch, of course. The last thing she ever heard would be his dying screams. Then Feria would take her revenge upon the house of Caesar, and she would finally be free of the burden she carried. Some would call it brutal, of course. They would hate her. But soon they would realize that she was doing what was best for the seven kingdoms. With her in command, no one, man or woman, would ever believe themselves to be better than others. My father, my mother, my little brother, look at me. Smile upon my deeds, and honor me as I am honoring you. You shall be avenged, and I, along with everyone in the Seven Kingdoms, shall be free. Honor me, father; and bless me, mother; for I do these things for freedom.

Feria suddenly felt a chill. Wrapping her coat and scarf around her tightly, she began to trudge down Walker Street. Only a few more days before she would be free of the guilt she carried. The screams still came back sometimes. For that day, when she was but ten years old, Feria had been asked to be the deciding vote on whether it not to surrender to the invading Romans. She had voted yes, and the entire tribe had fallen to the Romans, resulting in the death of her parents and brother. It was all Caesar's fault. But that's not what Feria really thought. She held the guilt in her heart, and that combined with the torment of slavery had made her loathe Rome and most other authority. But it did not matter. Soon, Sarah and all the others will die. Countless people will be free. I will be free.

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