Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry I left out a load of the episode, but I couldn't get my PlayStation to work, so I couldn't watch the episode and I forgot half of it.

When Kid Flash and Aqualad next saw Red Boy, he was sitting on a chair in the lobby, eating the popcorn and drinking his cola.
"Who's this?" Red Boy asked, pointing his cola towards the newly found clone.

"This is... Superman's clone, Superboy." Aqualad answered, everyone except Red Boy getting into a fighting stance.

Red Boy let out a low whistle. "Whoa..." He suddenly realised what was happening around him. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked, looking at their fighting stances.

They ignored him. "Where have you been? The first thing you do is ditch us! Way to be a team player!" Kid Flash hissed.

"Hey, I told you. I'm not a team player. Besides, you needed to go and do.... Whatever the heck you did, not me. What happened?" He gestured to Superboy.

"Long story. No time." Aqualad said.

Suddenly, a huge monster with blue ripped skin and showing muscle came crashing through the ceiling.

Red Boy raised an eyebrow. "Well, like the saying goes, 'if at first you don't succeed, mutate yourself.'" Red Boy tossed some popcorn in his mouth as the others started fighting the monster. "This is gonna be fun." He laughed, watching them.

"You know, feel free to step in and help!" Kid Flash shouted as he charged at the monster.

Red Boy put his legs over the arm rest, and a finger on his chin; acting like he was thinking. A wide grin quickly adorned his face. "No thanks, I'd rather watch." He answered gleefully.

Red Boy let out a creepy cackle as Superboy got flung into a pillar, breaking it.

Kid Flash and Aqualad stared at him in shock.

"Dude... What was that...?" Kid Flash asked rhetorically.

Taking advantage of the teenagers being distracted, the monster quickly attacked them, sending them too, into a pillar, also knocking it down.

Red Boy let out another manic laugh. "I know I said before, I would help, but this is just too funny!"

"Glad to see you take enjoyment in our pain." Kid Flash said bitterly, stretching, a few bones cracking.

"Hey, who doesn't laugh when somebody falls over or something? You just can't help it!" Red Boy laughed.

The monster didn't attack Red Boy, he obviously wasn't deemed as a threat.

Red Boy looked up at the ceiling and saw that it was crumbling, he then looked at the pillars. "Hey Flash Boy, get over here!"

"Yeah?" Kid Flash asked as he sped over, Red Boy quickly explained what they had to do.

"That one and that one." Red Boy said, pointing at each of the pillars. Kid Flash nodded and ran off.

Soon they defeated the monster and the building collapsed, Superboy jumped on Kid Flash, covering him from the concrete and the building, Aqualad doing the same to Red Boy.

"We did it." Aqualad panted.

"Was there any ever doubt?" Red Boy asked.

The rest glared at him, he didn't even help.

They all got up and Superboy looked up at the moon in the sky.

"See? The moon." Kid Flash said.

A black silhouette of a flying figure appeared on the moon, it was soon revealed to be Superman.

"And Superman, do we keep our promises or what?" Kid Flash said again.


The whole League landed and after being introduced to Superboy they started lecturing the three. They didn't see Dick as he was sitting on a large slab of concrete in the shadows. Dick was only half listening to the conversation.

"The two of you-"

"The three of us." Kid Flash corrected.

'Aww, don't I count?' Dick thought with a grin. 'I was the whole reason you went!' He pretended to sulk.

He zoned out again until Aqualad started defending their actions.
'Preach it, Aqualad!' Dick grinned.

After they had finished talking, Batman stared straight at Dick. "What are you doing here?" He growled.

"Who me?" Dick asked, coming out of the shadows with a hand on his heart. The League looked shocked as they had not seen him before, nor new that he was there.

"Yes. You." Batman growled again.

"How much does it cost?" Dick randomly asked.

"How much does what cost?" Batman asked, suspiciously.

"How much does it cost to buy all those cough sweets for that bad throat you so clearly suffer from? I mean it must be a lot, right?" Dick smirked as he heard Kid Flash snigger.

"Look, kid-" Superman started but for interrupted by Dick.

"Look, kid." Dick said in a mock growly Batman voice.

"Stop it." Black Canary ordered.

"Stop it." Dick mimicked again.

"Who is this?" Wonder Woman asked.

"We are not sure. He did not tell us his name. And we did not hack into Justice League files, he did." Aqualad informed.

Dick rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Aqualad." He said sarcastically.

Batman ignored this. "I don't know his name either. But he has been an irritation in Gotham for quite some time, he steals things though nothing major; however he hasn't left enough evidence for him to get prosecuted."

"Yep, I'm just that good." Dick boasted, hands on his hips.

Flash bent down so he was eye level with Dick, his intentions were obviously to patronise and irritated Dick. "Look, kid. It's past midnight, way past your bedtime, so why don't you run back home to your mummy and daddy?"

Anger flashed in Dick's eyes and he quickly kneed Flash where the sun don't shine.

Flash grabbed his crotch in pain. "Oww..." He winced as Dick ran off, nobody bothering to stop him.


Dick walked into the orphanage through the front door, hoping nobody was up, unfortunately, Kane was up.
"Nice of you to join us, Dick. I said 5pm at the latest didn't I?" Kane hissed. "Where were you?"

"Nowhere." He answered, venom clear in his voice, he was annoyed enough already with Flash's stupid comment, how it had rained on the way back and he was soaked, and now this.

"What were you doing?"


"Who were you with?"

"No one."

"Oh, well that sounds like fun!" Kane scoffed. "I hope it was worth the sanction."

Dick let out a yell of frustration and stomped up the stairs to get dried off.

Don't Trust The Boy In The Red Cape (Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now