Chapter 10: Testing

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He carries his mask in his hand.  We stare at each other one last time before the mask binds to his face. "Do you still want to know about my past with your friend?"

"That happens when you hear of their cold blooded murder."

He takes a deep breath in. I can hear it through his mask. "He was a little older than Skywalker. 17 years older. He was old anyway. When I went to train with Skywalker on the light side of the force, Reven came. He came and tried to bond with everyone in training. He tried to make us feel at home. He got especially close with me."

"That's why you killed him." I interrupt. "Your father too. Because you cared. You cared about them. You knew that those feelings of love and happiness and memories of the love you created with them. You knew that they would get in the way of you becoming the dark lord that you are."

"How do you know that?"

"I just kind of pieced it together I suppose."

"Did you sense it?"

"I guess so."

"Good." He gets up and turns away from me.

"Is this some kind of test?" I yell at him, not realizing that he took one step away from me.

"Yes." He replies. "To test your abilities. Expect more soon. You won't know which ones are and aren't tests."

"Don't be so sure. Even I don't know about my abilities. Hell, I didn't even know that I had said abilities until today."

He chuckles and leaves the room. I pull and pull on the restraints. I can't get them off. I couldn't get them off last time. Why do I even try sometimes? I look at the stormtrooper that guards the door. I remember Rey's story that she told me. About how she escaped. She essentially just told the stormtrooper to remove the restraints and leave the door open. She had the force with her. But it's strong with me. I might as well just try anyway. "You will take these restraints off and escort me to the Resistance pilot and you will not tell Kylo Ren."

He straightens up and looks at me. He walks over next to me and says "I will take off these restraints and escort you to the Resistance pilot and I will not tell Kylo Ren."

"Cool." I mutter to myself. He removes the restraints and escorts me down twists and turns to where I presume Poe is being held.

We approach the stormtrooper and he asks us "What are you bringing her here for?"

I do what I did last time. "You will let me and only me inside this cell, you will leave your post and you will not tell Kylo Ren."

He straightens up like the last stormtrooper. "I will let you and only you inside this cell, I will leave my post and I will not tell Kylo Ren."

I quickly think and say one more thing to the one that was guarding my cell. "And you will go with him."

"And I will go with him." He says as he steps off to leave.

I step inside the cell and see Poe, strapped down like I was, covered in his own blood. "Dayae? How did you get in here."

"Literally, the coolest reason I could ever possibly give you, but I'll save it for a later time. Right now, we just have to get out of here." I take off his restraints and he kind of pops back up, pushing aside the fact that he is frail and weak at the moment.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you not just leave?"

"You needed to be rescued. And you're my friend. I couldn't just leave you here to die." We wrap each other in out arms  only seconds before we open the door and make a run for it.

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