Heartless- chapter 18

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Alex's pov

"They're dead" I said to Niall as his eyes opened wide. They got in a severe car crash. I had no idea how to feel about this. I had no memories with them or anything. I don't even know If they loved me.

I felt sad but not sad, I didn't feel the need to cry at all. I couldn't bring myself to cry. Tears wouldn't form in my eyes. Maybe if they ever loved me more , I would have feelings. Louis called up and told me about them.

I could tell by Niall's reaction he was a bit confused and shocked to say anything , same. I didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry for your loss" Niall said as he got up and sat beside me.

"Don't, I myself actually don't care about this" I said shrugging.

"What" Niall said confused.

"Well yeah I barely know my parents. They were basically like strangers" I said speaking out the truth.

"Um Louis texted me saying your parents funeral is tomorrow" Niall said looking at his phone.

"Do I have to go" I whined since I really didn't want to. I just wanted to stay in bed all day. I sighed what should I do?

"Well it's your choice, I never went to my parents funeral" Niall said putting his arm around my waist.

"Want to head home now" Niall mumbled into my ear, kissing my neck.

"Yeah sure" I said as me and Niall paid half and half. It was my idea to split the money. I grabbed a few bucks when we left the dorm.

We got up and walked out the restaurant. We got in the car as Niall pulled out the parking lot. "Frat or your dorm" Niall asked.

"Don't care" I replied just wanting to go somewhere. I looked out the window. The stars shining bright above us.

"There's so many stars out tonight" I said to Niall staring in awe. There's usually a fair amount of stars here, but right now there was more then ever. The entire sky was basically shining.

"How many nights does it take to count the stars" Niall said singing.

"Is that a song" I asked curious.

"No just something I made up on the spot" Niall said smiling.

"You should really write songs and stuff, I think you'd do well in the music industry" I said truthfully.

"I want to be a soccer player, it's been my dream since I was a kid". I always thought Niall would want to be a football player, maybe there are lots of things we don't know about each other.

"I have an idea why don't you, and the other boys become a band" I said jokingly.

"That's so true, we'll think about it" Niall said winking at me. I knew they could all sing because once me and Perrie went to the frat and they were all singing. We stood at the door and listened to them. Their harmonies were incredible, Grammy worthy!

"Stop" I quickly yelled out.

"What happened, everything cool" Niall said stopping the car on the side of the road. I saw that this road was pretty dead.

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