I cant see him hurt- chapter 12

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Alex's pov

I got up and checked the time. It was 8am. I got a black shirt, basketball shorts and went to change, since I showered yesterday

Knock knock knock

"El get the door" I yelled combing my hair.

"Got it" she yelled back. I walked out of the washroom. I see Perrie and Zayn standing there.

"Hey long time no see" Zayn said patting my hair.

"Yeah" I said, trying to smile.

"Do you guys want to come chill with us at the frat" Perrie asked hugging me.

"No thanks" I quietly say. I get my vans and socks. I slip them on and walk out the door.

Zayns pov

"We tried but it never works" I say sighing. None of us know what happened, Niall and Alex haven't been talking to anyone. They've been blocking everyone out.

"We tried babe" Perrie says holding my hand.

"So El, want to come" I ask since we were still going back to the frat.

"Nah I'm going to study" she says smiling.

"Okay then bye" I say smiling.

Around 6

"Hey where is Niall" Perrie says looking tensed as she walked into the room.

"I'm not sure, wasn't he in the kitchen" I ask getting up.

"No he's not in there, call the other boys we have to find him".

"Okay" I say messaging on the groupchat.

"What happened" Liam says running into the room with Louis.

"Niall is gone again" I say worried because every single day Niall's gone. It's hurts me. He's like my little brother and I can't see him in pain.

Harry comes running faster than ever. "Where's Niall? Is he okay, please tell me he's here".

"No he's not, let's go find him" Perrie says sprinting towards the door. As she opens the door we see Niall standing there, drunk.

"Perrrrrrrie iiiiiii loooovveeee youuuu" Niall says hugging her, as he falls.

Perrie quickly holds him and hugs him back "I love you to Niall, now let's get you upstairs yeah?".

Perrie and Louis put their arms around niall as they guide him upstairs.

They come back downstairs.

"What the hell is happening, Niall comes home wasted off his ass everyday " Perrie yells at us.

"I'm worried for him. I'm scared of what's happening with him. This isn't good" she says crossing her arms.

We all just stood in silence. Giving each other glances.

"Has he been eating at all? He's thinner than ever. Niall is one of my best mates. I can't see him like this" Perrie says with a tear falling down her face. She slides down the wall sitting on the floor. Putting her head down.

"Babe its okay" I say crouching down to her.

"No its not, I can't seem him like this" she whispers.

She quickly got up "I'm going to go upstairs". I looked at the boys, they all seemed worried.

I saw her turn the corner to Niall's room. "Wow she took this really hard" Harry said.

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