Chapter One | The Heist

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IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT. Because that's a wonderfully horrible way to start the story of the end of my life. But, really! It happened to coincidentally be dark and stormy. So just to appease you, I'm not going to say the whole, "Hi, my name is" cliché, because as much as I want to, I just started off with the first most typical introduction in the world and it would be a flat-out crime to follow it up with the second. So instead, lets start off with a warning.

If you're expecting the classic, "bad girl impresses the good guys and they eventually decide to make her a part of their team, which results in the girl falling in love with the main love interest and they all live happily ever after" thing, I can say with a strange sense of pride that you probably shouldn't continue on.

And... I just realized that was yet another cliché. And now your interest has been officially been piqued, and despite my warnings your still probably going to continue on anyways. And I know that was a lot of "and's," but this is my story, which means I can use a word multiple times if I damn well please. Just know that if you're disappointed at the end of this roller coaster, don't say I didn't warn you! (There I go again, cliché number... what? Three? Four? Ah, who cares.)

Oh, and one last thing before we start, I'm kind of an... well, asshole throughout this entire thing, so just keep that in mind if you decide to try any of this at home. (Ten out of ten on Yelp would definitely not recommend it, but I happen to support illegal activity, so I say, "Let them have cake!" or... whatever the hell that phrase is.)

Any who, where was I? Oh, right.

It was a dark and stormy night.

The wind blew my dark brown locks behind me at an alarming speed. I jumped from roof to roof, inhaling the smell of car exhaust and cigarettes. I looked over to the slender woman running next to me, Catwoman. Ferocious feline with a heart of black and very sticky fingersー er.. claws? You know, whatever she had.

"Sel, we've been running for hours! How much longer?" I yelled over the wind.

"Only a couple blocks left!" she replied, hardly sounding exhausted in the least.

I groaned and kept pushing myself. My feet pounding across the gravel, my hands at my sides keeping me balanced as I jumped over yet another brick covered edge. I should've gone with Ivy and the rest of the IJL (which stands for the Injustice League, in case you didn't know) on some mission, but instead I chose going on this heist with Selina.

Why was I doing this again?

As if she read my mind, and I wouldn't put that past her, she stopped and spoke. "Finally! Twenty-five thousand dollars here we come!"

Oh, right. That's why I was doing it.

We pushed open a panel on the roof and stealthily dropped to the tiled floor, not making a sound. Through my mask the building almost seemed a hazy purple color, but that was probably the sleep deprivation talking. Guards passed us as we sneaked through the shadows, our heels barely making any sound, and crept our way to the safe.

"You're sure this is where it is?" I whispered as we pressed ourselves up against a massive white pillar.

"If my information is correct, which it always is, then yes. Now hush," she said, her eyes locked on something across the room. I peered around the corner, seeing the giant metal money-holder glittering in the moonlight, which was seeping through the window above.

"I'll take the guards and you get in. Make it quick," she said as she sprinted off.

I nodded, and rushed towards the safe, adrenaline pumping through my veins. Man, this never gets old. Once I reached it, I started to twirl around the knobs. I heard men grunting and yelling behind me, but didn't pay much mind to it since I trusted Selina knew what she was doing.

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