The Pattern Is Broken, But Someone Was Hurt [H20Vanoss]

Start from the beginning

It was at that point the waterfalls started flowing.


It's been about 4 days and I've already had someone request to be my personal servant. It was quiet odd considering that, that has never happened before because of the so call 'curse'. The fact I was still mourning didn't help but what could you do? I accepted the request and was soon headed out to see my new personal servant. I can only hope for the best.

Soon I was in the limousine and driving down the road. I had no clue where we would go, so I just stared out the window as the trees and houses alike started to blur together. It wasn't long until we stopped in an old dingy parking lot. Holes, trash, homeless people, rusted down old cars, squirrels, cats, dogs. You name it and it was probably here.

My driver, Nogla opened the door and lead me inside a restaurant called Starbucks. It was an older shop and the product had defiantly gone out of business considering I haven't seen it around. Then again it's probably been a good 100 years since they opened.

As he lead me inside I was starting to wonder if I was gonna die her. Honestly I don't really care either way. Both my parents were dead and I had no other relatives to go to. My only good quality was he fact I run a big business, but I'm mostly the face. My friend Criag is the one behind the scenes making deals with other company's, making sure all employees are being faithful, that kind of thing. So if I do the company will be fine.

Before I knew it I was in front of a broken glass door with a logo on it. I might have almost broke my ankle, hands, nose, and other body parts several times but I made it.

Stepping through the small opening in the glass door, Nogla still close behind me, I looked around. The place was actually pretty clean for something that looked so run down. The counters were clean and the floor had barley -almost none- derbies. The tables were clean and sitting at one was a man with brown hair and brown eyes. He was sipping a cup of something while looking dead at me. Suddenly he pushed another cup in front of him towards me, it was also steaming. 

"Yo, you're so tense. You should calm down with my famous coffee, and don't you dare say you don't drink coffee." The mysterious man told me with a grin. It was actually scary how he could grin in this situation. 

In any case I cautiously sat down in front of him and took the cup. I looked down to see my reflection in the black drink. I sighed and took a sip. At first I though it burned my tongue but it didn't. Surprisingly it was warm and not hot, just the way I liked it.  

 "So is it a yes?" The man asked. 

 "On one condition!" I said while raising my finger. Nogla immediately started spluttering random things like 'How can you trust him', 'Why are you considering', and other things. I turned around and bopped him on his nose while shushing him.

 "What condition?" The man asked while leaning over the table looking me straight in the eye, as if he was daring me to challenge him.

 "I get your name." His eyes widened considerably. 

 "How could I forget something as simple as my name?" I could hear him mutter under his breathe.

 Leaning back in his chair he put his hands together and to be blunt. He looked like an evil mastermind. He had this look in his eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

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