This Point Onwards

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Okay, listen all my humans. Yes, apparently I own you. You shouldn't mind that, right?

Anyways to the point. Almost 2 thousand reads.

2 freaking thousand!

It is great knowing that so many of you take the time out of your day to read my random story. And if you got tot this point and have watched my writing evolve I thank you. Well then enough with the mushy crap!

I am here to announce from this point forwards I have 100 prompts to write from, which you can see in the media. If you can't you get a list, and you better appreciate me for this because I am lazy. If you couldn't tell from the 2 week spaced updates. Also I promise 500 words or more.

P.S. The words in parentheses are the actual topics, but they are still apart of the titles.

1. Our First (Dance)- Completed

2. Treat

3. Sand

4. Salt

5. Clip

6. Bread

7. Fish

8. Race

9. Poor

10. Rich

11. Name

12. Vault

13. Letters To A (Crime) Committer- Completed

14. (Photographs) Are Not Worth 1,00 Words, More Like 3

15. Quill

16. Punch

17. X-ray

18. Railroad

19. Wreck

20. Coin

21. Ice

22. Truck

23. Antique

24. House

25. Shatter

26. Flower

27. Star

28. Goal

29. School

30. First Crush

31. Dragon

32. Angel's (Light)- Completed

33. Knight

34. Train

35. Gaming (Contest)- Completed

36. Money

37. Candy

38. Oil

39. Flight

40. Fake

41. (Apple) Hill- Completed

42. Boot

43. Pest

44. Burn

45. Jail

46. Grove

47. Autumn

48. Cold

49. Dice

50. Splinter

51. Cricket

52. Turf

53. Bubble

54. Surprise

55. Gift

56. Dull

57. (Heart) Probelms- Completed

58. The (Pattern) Is Broken, But Someone Was Hurt

59. Gum

60. Print

61. Boat

62. Ripe

63. Kiss

64. Pipe

65. Pollution

66. (Secrets) Should Be Said- Completed

67. Truth in (Lies)- Completed

68. Camouflage

69. Rain

70. Safari

71. Border

72. War

73. Nature

74. Disaster

75. Ancient

76. Rescue

77. Ink

78. Sleep

79. Collide

80. Joke

81. Card

82. Gamble

83. Risk

84. Disc

85. Surgery

86. Bone

87. Death

88. Fireflies

89. Piano

90. Chest

91. Luck

92. Warm

93. Tack

94. Trick

95. Zebra

96. Rapids

97. Danger

98. Electrical

99. Guess

100. Endings

(Note- I will mark the ones I have completed)

Yay! I have finished writing that. Anyways along with those prompts I will, maybe add my own to the list. Anyways have a great day humans, I have some writing to do!

See ya, Humans


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