My mother smiles once more, and I try to return her joy, but I can't. My stomach still feels weird, and I don't understand why. The part I were nervous about is over; why is my body still refusing this change?

"You look good, Niall. You look like my little boy again." It's at that moment that my father decides to join us near the front door. He looks just as pleased when he sees my hair as my mother was.

They're both smiling at me with so much happiness, proud to have their "little boy" back again. Why didn't that comment annoy me like it usually would? Why didn't I correct them?

I went up to my room after this strange encounter. They watched my back as I left, and I didn't like how I could notice that my old hair wasn't running against the back of my neck. There wasn't that weight anymore that I never knew I could miss.


I'm not sure when I fell asleep, or for how long I've been asleep. My bedding has been pulled down so I must have deliberately got in, but I don't remember doing so. Someone is running their fingers through my hair, and their weight against my bed proves that they must be sitting.

I roll over and look at the figure. It's too bright for my eyes to focus, so I can't figure out who it is yet. Their hair is longer to be my father, but their body is too large to be my mother.

"Greg?" My voice is hoarse.

"Nope, guess again." Harry answers. I sit up quickly, his hand falling from my head and landing lifelessly on my comforter.

"Harry? How did you get here?" I ask while I'm hugging him. He's hugging me as well, rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"I called your brother, Greg, and asked him where you lived. Sorry I didn't tell you."

I shrug, "It's fine, I'm just glad you're here."

We both go silent for a minute. He's busy looking around my room, while I pick at my fingernails. He's the one who speaks up again first. "So, your mum told me that 'Niall' was sleeping in 'his' room. Are you... Niall?"

And there it is. I knew my parents wouldn't be able to hold back from blurting out my original name. I nod.

"Are you, ya know... still Niall?"

I shrug.

"That doesn't answer my question."

I look up at him, right into his eyes, and say, "I don't know."

He recoils a bit, "I'm sorry." I pay back down into the bed, turning to face the other way. The light from the window is too bright on my tired eyes. "So," I feel his hand on my head again, playing with my hair a bit. "when did you do this?"

I close my eyes for a second, just enjoying the feeling of his hands running through my hair again. It still feels weird, but I can tell the difference between my mother messing with it and Harry. He's only curious, and not overjoyed like my mother was.

"You don't have to answer. I was just interested because, well, I've always seen you with long hair, and it was a bit strange to come in here and see you with, uhm, you know." He rambles on a bit. I roll onto my back and look at him with a goofy smile. He grins a little, still running his fingers through my hair.

"Lay down with me." I request. He takes a moment to remove his boots and socks before scooting a bit closer to me. He asks me with his eyes if he can take his jeans off. I nod. "You shouldn't have to ask." Which is true. I don't want him to be nervous around me. We're still together, and it's not like I'm a different person just because my name and hair are different.

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now