Chapter 28

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~Cassandra POV~

After Blake propose to me, I was speechless because yeah he propose before I gave birth to Summer but this time with him sounds more serious now which is good maybe this time the wedding will actually go through and not end to someone getting killed. I haven't heard anything on Mason he hasn't send any threats or try to take Summer or try to kill my pack or Blake which has me worried because why all the sudden would he stop? I push that thought back in my mind no matter what he wasn't going to ruin my life is he starts war he will get war. I went to my office to see whats going on in the with other packs, I heard a silent laugh that sounded like Summer I smiled then I got up to go see my beautiful baby girl. I was about to reach here room when a sharp feeling pain went through my stomach I clutched my stomach and looked down to see blood. I was turned around and faced Mason"If I can't have you NO ONE CAN HAVE YOU" I looked at him then slit his throat and down we both go.

I crawled to Summer's room, hoping she would be fine and that no one got her. I slowly got up holding on to my stomach then opened the door and seen Summer playing with my dad, "D-dad" My dad looks at me then rushes to me when I suddenly collapse into his arms then It was dark.

~Nick POV(Cassie's dad)~

I was playing with my beautiful granddaughter Summer she was so pretty, she looked just like her mother I was glad that Cassie had let me be in her life even though she barely knew me but we seemed to get along very well. I know Cassie missed her mother like crazy I do too. I heard something going on outside of summer's door but I didn't do anything because I just thought it was other little kids messing around, but then all of sudden it got really quiet like a weird quiet. So I continued to play with Summer and I made sure I was on guard just in case someone decides to break in. Then all of sudden the door creaks open and I watched in the corner of my eye to make sure who it is, then Cassie comes in holding her bloody stomach, I got up to my feet and ran to Cassie as she falls into my arms. I held onto her tightly then I heard Summer crying"Blake I need to do something with Cassie Summer is in her room" "okay I'll be right up you can head out" I grabbed Cassie"Summer daddy will be right up mommy is going to be okay I promise" she nodded her little head and grabbed her favorite blanket and grabbed Cassie's hand. She didn't have to say she wanted to go the looked on her face tear stained and the way she looked at her mom."okay you can come with stay with me okay" she nodded her head "nevermind Summer wanted to come with so she will be with me and Cassie" "okay thanks" I blocked our mind link and me and Summer rushed to the car to get Cassie tot he hospital.

We got to the pack hospital just in time, I held onto summer while the doctors took her in and began figuring out how to cure her. I looked at Summer and wiped her tears away" don't worry baby girl mommy will be okay""m-mama" my eyes go wide her first words I grabbed onto her and held onto her. After awhile Summer fell asleep on the benches so I went to the doctors to see how bad Cassie wound was."well the look of it, it was just a stabbed wound it did get in deep but her wolf was already re pairing her wound but the bad news she is in a coma though her wolf is healing her but its taking her sweet time so in the meanwhile she is in a coma but she will wake up maybe in a week or two""thanks doctor so much" he nods his head then walks away I went to a fully awake Summer "Mama?" I smiled"let's go see her baby girl" she smiled and I picked her up and went to Summer's room. I wonder where Blake is because he should be but the link between us was no longer there I wonder if he just blocked me out because he was doing some alpha business before I left.

I got to Cassie's room and Summer was so anxious to she her mom so she jumped down from my arms and I helped her up on the bed"MAMA!!" I laughed "sweetie she just sleeping she is healing baby girl be careful okay" She smiled and nodded her head yes. I let Summer stay the night with her while I went to go find Blake. "hey nurse Kelly My granddaughter is in Cassie's room make sure guards are with those two at all times I have to go find my soon to be son in law" "okay sir I'll have two guards up by there doors right away" "thank you".I left the hospital and went into my bathroom and got all cleaned up before I met up with Blake, "hey Blake where the hell are you?" "sorry sir Im training the new pups Cassie wants them to be fully trained just in case they have to protect their family members" "meet me in the living asap" "got it" I went to the living room looking at the man who tried to kill my daughter.Mason.How dare does that bastard hurt my family! 

I sat down in the chair across from the dead body, then Blake comes walking"what the hell happened?? Is Cassie and Summer alright? Where are they?" I let him do his thing"Calm the fuck down Blake" He looks at me worried "Cassie...she got hurt but she is fine she is in the hospital where summer is also no summer didn't get hurt" He didn't say anything to me he just ran out of the living to my guess he is going to go see summer and Cassie.

Blakes POV

Soon as he said get to the living asap I thought Cassie got hurt or summer and I got scared. I ran to the pack house as soon as I got there I smelt blood, But not Cassie's blood nor summer. I relaxed a bit. I walked inside the house looking around and I see my soon to father in law sitting across a dead body,"what the hell happened? Is Cassie and Summer alright? where are they?"I panicked started looking everywhere for them I couldn't lose them not now not ever they are all I got in my life this is why I am still living for. "Cassie...she got hurt but she is fine she is in the hospital where summer is also no summer didn't get hurt" As soon I heard the news I dashed outside and ran towards to the hospital.

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