"Yeah cause everyone is sympathetic to  pregnant women" Jill joked.

"Yeah I thought so too" he laughed back. "But anyways she had the look and the edge we needed so we decided together she will submit and audition the play and would bring me into the fold later"

"But it never happened" Scott finished for him.


"Why are you now coming out with this story? It has been over seven years"

"Because it was time someone did so. And I am glad to see that I am not the only one. And I hope more people will come out with their stories" he replied.

"Do you think she slept her way to the top?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. If she was able to double cross me then I guess she is capable of anything" shaking his head.

I gotta give it to the guy he is very convincing. This was bad. This was getting problematic each day. For weeks I saw my face splashed on covers of rag tag magazine that could be imagined. I was now one of the most hated girl on the internet. The fiction that was being passed was more than any that I could ever write in my life.

Some of these fictitious myths were just down right ridiculous. And hurtful. The lies that people could come up with you wouldn't believe.

Men and women that I had never even heard of up until now were just coming out of the wood works. Trashing me, accusing me, berating me, I'm sure if it had been legal they would lynch me to death.

My charge, stealing other people's  ideas and selling them off as my own. It started with one person and that was the man on the show, Adam Copper. He came out to accuse me and provide a picture of me to the media. The privacy I had worked long and hard to achieve was gone.

Everyone became interested in the woman who supposedly write Sands and other of my hit series. Some of my shows were even put on hold because of these investigations.

Adam's accusations were quite strong and dangerous and for the life of me I couldn't understand why he would decide to take a career of causing havoc for men and women.

What was worse was that I couldn't exactly disprove these facts. They (whoever he was working with) had gotten a hold of some very sensitive information that only the writer of a movie would know. How they did that I have no idea.

This was one of the reason why I never showed my face and avoided the media. I disliked the limelight and people prying into my life was not how I wanted to spend my free time. It was too much work to have cameras flashing everywhere you go plus I had kids to think about. I wanted them to have a normal life.

This was just callous.

And I know who was behind it. Only one family could possibly do this. Actually two families. And I could bet my last bottom dollar that they were behind this. Think about it, up until last week I was not known and two weeks after my contact with them my name is being splashed everywhere.

Coincidence? I think not.

It was getting to me. I was accused of being the mistress and the cause of some high class divorces.  And the  I had my assets frozen till because I was being audited.

This was just wrong and they knew it. But you know, I could forgive them for all of this or anything they have done to me. But one thing I will not let go is, coming after my kids.

I don't care what I ever do to anyone, no one and I mean no one ever harms or comes near my kids.

Two weeks after meeting them and suddenly Child Protective Services are showing up at my doorstep? That was too much of a coincidence even for them.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now