"Studying." Ethen said simply.

Jesse rolled his eyes. "Whatever. When is the pizza getting here?" He put his feet up on he coffee table.

"In a few minutes." Ethen picked up my legs, sat down and laid my legs on his lap. I stiffened up on instinct. I'm not use to a guy acting so comfy with me. He didn't even look at me, he just chugged down his soda.

Knock knock knock
Ethen lifted my legs and dropped them on the couch lightly, and answered the door. He paid the pizza guy and came in the living room setting the pizza down on the coffee table. He shoved Jesse's legs off, "get your stinky feet off the table!"

"My feet don't stink!" Jesse protested sitting up and hit Ethen over the head.

Ethen fixed his hair and mumbled something under his breath that I didn't catch. I sat up in my seat and put my feet on the ground. "Who wants pepperoni?" We all raised our hands. "Good, Because that's all I ordered."

Everyone grabbed a piece of pizza. I grabbed two. Maybe three. Don't judge me. I didn't eat lunch today.

"Want another?" Jesse teased.

"Ya. Give me that one." I finished my piece of pizza and grabbed the one that Jesse handed to me. I wiped off the sauce and grease on my face. The boys chuckled.


"Nothing. Just that your woofing down all the pizza." Jesse answered smiling. Tim smirked out of the corner of my eye. He doesn't talk much. He just seems more of the responsible one to me.

"Well if you weren't such a slow eater, maybe you could have seconds." I got up to throw my napkin away.

"I'm not slow!" He protested.

"You wine too much." I started to head back into the living room but was startled by a new voice in the room." Now you know what I have to deal with." I screamed and jumped like two feet back and put my hand on my chest to calm my breathing. It was a woman. She was a little taller than me, she had her blonde hair up in a ponytail.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" She came closer and put her hand on my shoulder, she looked a lot like Ethen, or Ethen looked a lot like her(whatever). So I'm guessing that she is his mother. "I'm Lori Cummings, Ethen's mom. I don't think I've seen you before."

"Ya I'm new here from North Carolina." She remover her hand from my shoulder and headed to the fridge and grabbed a water.

"I've never been there before. But I've heard great things about that place." She headed into the living room and sat on the couch by Ethen. I followed her in and stood behind Austin on the couch Austin, Jesse, and Tim were sitting on. The TV was shut off during our pizza party so I didn't have anything to watch to avoid the awkward silence.

"So . . . are you gonna introduce yourself?" Ethen gave his mom a death glare.

"Ya sorry. I'm Lexi Jacobs."

"So . . . how long have you two been dating? Didn't know you had a girlfriend" she gestured to a red faced Austin.

"No, were n–"

"2 weeks" Austin cut me off and smirked. "I didn't tell a lot of people. Don't need so many people in my business." He shrugged and placed his hand on top of mine. I quickly moved my hand from underneath his. No way am I going to go along with his tricks. I know that I barley know him, but I would never get together with him.

"Lexi says other wise." She chuckled.

I gave her a quick smile and went to go sit by her and Ethen. Ethen smirked. "Looks like you got dumped." Austin got red in the face. I couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment, or both.

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