Thursday, 05 October, 2000: The Execution

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"Greg's coming over today." I mention to Skylar and Cole on our way to the front of the school. Kate is sitting in detention. Again.

She was supposed to be the one to get my mother to walk in. I sigh with slight irritation. "Skylar, I need you to take Kate's place in the plan. Please." I ask her.

"Sure," she shrugs, "what do I need to do again?" I sigh again. I've been over the plan so often in the past three days that I think I'm going to go mad if I repeat it again. But one more time couldn't hurt.

Cole's giving us a ride to my house today so I can tell her on the way.

Once we're seated in the back seats of Cole's '67 Chevy Impala, I go over the plan once more.

"We're going to go home. I'm going to change into something a little more... comfortable." I make air quotations when I say the word. "Then, when Greg arrives I walk to my room from the kitchen. I'll bring you some food. He'll follow me up and into the room. He's going to ask you to leave. And you're going to. You have to fetch my mother and bring her to the room. And boom! Bye bye, Gregy-Poo!" I use Mom's nickname for the asshat trying to invade my life.

We both laugh at the nickname. Cole's been very quiet in the driver's seat. I'm a little worried. We get to the house sooner than I think and we all get out.

"I'm just going to wait inside. You two look like you have some things to talk about." Skylar rushes inside.

I lean against the driver's side door. He stands in front of me. He hasn't touched me and I want him to put his hands on my waist. I want him to hug my body to his. I want him to tell me everything is going to be alright. I want him to kiss my forehead and tell me that he believes in me.

He doesn't do any of this. He's not going to make the first move. And that hurts my heart.

"Cole. Please tell me what's wrong. I know that it's about Greg but I need to get rid of him. I don't have any other way." I look down at my shoes with my arms crossed across my chest.

He reaches out for my arm. He gently strokes the skin between my shoulder and elbow. "Jane. I just feel like he's going to touch something so sacred to me that I'd rather not feel the emotion and be cold to you for the rest of today. As opposed to feeling everything and getting torn to shreds on the inside. I can't deal with that kind of pain." I can hear the hurt in his voice. The pain and anguish.

I look up at him and I see a single tear trickle down his cheek. I reach up and wipe it away. He leans his face against my hand.

In my peripheral vision I see Greg's car pull into our driveway. Shit, he's here earlier than I thought.

"Cole. I love you and I understand that this is going to hurt but you need to do your part." He gave me a confused expression. I indicate with my head that the target has arrived. His lips form a thin line and he nods slightly.

He grabs my hand just as Greg gets out the car. He puts on an angry face. "I can't believe you! How can you do this to me?!"

I let a few tear leak from my eyes. But he doesn't break character. "How can you cheat on me with Jordan Frost?!"

"Cole, please. Please don't be like this. It was an accident. I was drunk. And we hadn't been together that long at the time. I didn't even love you then." I say back, the tears coming stronger. Greg is watching us with interest.

"No, Jane." He grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me away from the car. I stumble into the road. "I can't handle this. Leave me alone." He gets into the car and drives away.

I run after the car a few steps while shouting after him. "Cole! Wait! Don't go!"

I heave a sob and run into the house and up the stairs.

Skylar is sitting on the bed and when she sees me she jumps up and pulls me into a warm embrace. "What's wrong, Jane?" She asks me while stroking my back. I shake my head.

I couldn't tell her this part of the plan. Otherwise she might not be able to act the role properly. And it would ruin everything.

"It's Cole." I say between sobs.

I feel her tense. I look up at her face. She is major pissed. Good. She'll leave. "I need to sort him out." She lets go of me and leaves my room.

I hear a muffled "what's wrong?" coming from Greg at the top of the stairs. I don't hear Cloud's reply, just her stomping down the stairs.

I quickly take out my phone. And type a message to Skylar. Butterflies don't sting. Our code for everything's okay. Carry out the rest of the plan.

I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" Though I know exactly who it is.

"It's me. Greg." I hear through the door. He comes in without my permission.

"What do you want, Greg? Can't you see I'm a little upset right now?" I cross my arms angrily. I sniff - like everyone does after bawling their eyes out.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I guess not?" His hands are in his front pockets and he walks closer to me. I move back and away from him. He moves closer. I move back. He moves even closer. I feel my bed behind my knees. Shit, nowhere else to go.

"No, I'm not okay, Greg. My boyfriend is mad at me for something I did when our relationship was too young to care." I look away, trying to stop tears from flowing.

"Let me help you, Jane." He comes even closer and wraps his arms around my waist. God, don't let me puke. I think to myself. I struggle against his grip. He holds me tighter.

"Please don't. Leave me alone." I whisper, more to myself. His hands slide down to my ass. I struggle harder. "Greg, please! Don't! Let me go!" I push his chest. He doesn't budge. Please come now, Skylar. I think desperately.

Just as I thought this my door burst open and mom stood in the door way. Greg turns to see who it is and freezes against me. I give him one last shove and finally get out of his grasp. I run to my mother and into her embrace.

"What were you doing with my daughter, Greg?" There's a harsh frown etched into my mother's features.

"I- I- I-" he stammers.

Mom is furious and stalks right up to him. I don't know what I expected. Her to shout. Talk calmly. I had no clue. But she surprises me.

She slaps him across the face. Then steps back and points to the door. He gets the message and leaves the house - and our lives - for good.

I grin at my mom. "I think this calls for a family dinner and a movie." She grins back at me and nods her head while laughing.


A/N: Okay, guys.

I've done some forward planning, looks like there's about another eighteen chapters of basic plot. I'll need to see if any more will be added along the way.

There are going to be a lot more time jumps from now on, though, so please keep your eye on the dates in the chapter titles.

Thank you all for your support.

xoxo Bianca M.M.

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