Saturday, 27 May, 2000: Timothy Part 3 and Movies

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Why is Cole still pushing this?

I'm not going to forgive him. He stole my best friend from me for three months. Although, that's technically not true.

Cole did try to take him home, but gave up on Colby when Timothy said he couldn't take Colby home again.

Colby's story continued:

Amazon surprised me when she said she'd help me get home, but I was even more shocked when she wanted to come with me.

"He won't want to keep me much longer. He has a rule: 30 is too old. Meaning, the day I turn 30 he is going to end my contract. And to protect himself that means ending me." she said with an urgent, hushed tone, "I turn 30 in four months, Colby. Do you understand that?"

I nodded quickly.

She gave me a curt, grave nod and pulled me into a hug. It wasn't a particularly warm hug. It was cold and strangling, but I hugged her back, trying to comfort her. She knew she was going to die if she didn't get out and I knew as well. I couldn't just leave her to fate.

Fate isn't fair.

When we finally released each other, she kissed me on the cheek and smiled down at me.

"Do you know what Code 3 is?" she repeated the question from the beginning of our conversation.

I shake my head. She looked at me with great concern. "It means I'm supposed to fuck you."

I looked at her with a blank expression, trying to process what she had just said.

"So you need to take my virginity. As a symbol of..?" I asked her.

"It's a form of initiation here at Cedar Woods. But I'm not going to do that. You're to young and innocent. And I don't want this for you. I don't want you to end up like me, or Cole. I want you to have a life." she rushed out.

I nodded in understanding.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I asked after a pause.

"I haven't worked that out yet. But we have a more immediate danger. You have to pretend that your virginity isn't existent." she gave me a wary glance. "Can you do that?"

I shook my head. "Just take my virginity." I pressed out before I lost my nerve.

She was very upset about it at first but that was the night I lost my virginity.


I'm reading Lord Of The Rings on my bed when the door bell rings downstairs.

I get up - I pull my fluffy white and purple polka-dotted gown over my Pugs and Kisses pjs - and go downstairs.

Opening the door to find Cole standing there was a little bit of a shock. I try close the door but he's already half way over my threshold.

I relent, letting him in. I sigh. I just wanted a quiet Saturday to read.

"Well, you sure are happy to see me." He remarks, the words dripping sarcasm. "I brought movies." He continues. Holds Back To The Future, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and Dirty Dancing up to show me to prove it.

I grab them, and he smirks at me.

"I just wanted to read, but now seeing that you came all this way... with Dirty Dancing I can't resist. You put the movie in, I'll get the popcorn going." I grin and run off to the kitchen.

He follows me in and I give him a confused look.

"You have the videos, Jane." he clarifies. I look down, and there they are. In my grip. I quickly hand them back to him trying to ignore the warming of my cheeks.

"Any preference?" He asks leaning against the doorframe between the kitchen and lounge.

"Surprise me." the challenge set. He leaves.

The popcorn beeps in the microwave a minute later and I pour it out into a bowl.

I enter the lounge and see Back To The Future paused at the title. I grin and sit down on the couch.

That's how we spend the day, pigging out on popcorn and - later on - pizza, watching movies.


A/N: I can't even deal with this chap. I know it's soo short.

But that being said, I just love it so much. I love the way the two of them interact with each other and I love it that Cole helps Jane with her Timothy issues.

What do you guys think?

The girl I dedicated this chap to, @slr246, is a good friend of mine and was the first person to comment on this chap AND on the whole book! Deep love for her.

xoxo BiancaMM

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