ch 17 my battle with sound ninja

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As i ran i got cut off from sasuke and gaars team by sound ninjas about 9 of them. "Are you candace miller, aka cherry." I glared at them. "Who wants to know." one ran at me. i flipped back and toke out my sword. "lord orochimaru wants us to bring you to him." I laughed at them. they looked like i was wierd. "I will never go with that snake even if it kills me."

A sound ninja came at me with a kunai. i ran at him with me sword. i had a song in my head from my world, E.T from Katy Perry. as the song was in my head. I kinda battle with it and danced. at the sound of the voice i hit the sound ninja with me sword. He fell to the ground. another one came at me. i put me sword up. i grabed some  explodife notes and threw them at the ninja. the kunais attached to them pirced his chest and explode, killing him in a min.

I grined at the rest of the 7 men. two came at me. I grabbed wire out of my pouch. i put some to my mouth and went around the tree. I danced tothe song as i ran around the two ninja. they couldnt keep up with me. i ran around one with the wire and then the other ninja. I did some handsigns. "Ice stlye: frozen wire." I yelled as ice spread on the wire and to the ninja, making the ice cut into their bosies, and killing them.

I grabbed some smoke bombs and threw them. They started to cough as i sat down to rest. i poped a soilder pill in and started to feel better.

I jumped and ran at them. I had sinbons in my hands. 

"Get back, shes to stong, we cant defeat her." One yelled. i thre the sinbons and hit his neck multi times. they started to run away. 

"damn, I need to go and catch up. thanks to those bakas, im way back. Please be ok." i said as i jumped after sasuke and them.

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