Ch 2 where am I?

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I groaned as I rolled over on my side. I could feel the wind blow over me. What! Roll back on that. Wind? I should be in my bed not outside. I opened my eyes and looked up to see trees and grass. I sat up and looked everywhere. 'wasn't that a dream last night?' I asked myself. I felt a pain in my chest and looked at my clothes. Blood.

I stood up slowly and lend on the tree. I put my hand on my chest. It was bleeding and fast.

"I need help before this gets worse." I said to myself as I slowly started walking north.

(no ones pov)

Else where.

Naruto and his team was coming back from the mist village. Sakura was trying to get Sasuke to talk to her and Kakashi was reading his book.

Naruto looked to see a girl walking slowly in front of them, heading to the village.

"Kakashi-sensei, that girl in front of use. Something's wrong with her." naruto said as the girl fell forward. The four of them ran to the girl. Kakashi helped the girl over onto her side.

She was slowly breathing and blood was pouring out of her chest. This girl, they had never seen her at the village before.

"Kakashi-sensei, we need to get her to konoha hospital." Sakura said as she moved the girls hair out of of her face. Color was slowly leaving it.

Kakashi nodded as he picked the girl up bridle style and the four of them ran to konoha

(candace's aka cherry's pov)

I walked for about an hour before I felt darkness in front of my eyes. I knew I fainted.

I heard voices talking. Someone picking me up and running. I lost all feeling as I went into a deep sleep.

5 hours later.

I heard a beeping sound and two voices. Both of them where male.

"you say you found her walking in the woods and she just feel and blacked out?"

The man nodded. "yes lord hokage." I froze. 'hokage? That would mean Im in the Naruto world. How the heck did I end here? Oh that's right orochimaru.' I thought. I slowly opened my eyes. No one was looking at me till I met some baby blue eyes. "Ah!" I screamed as I backed up to see it was Naruto Uzumaki.

I looked to my right and saw Saskue Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. I then looked to the left and saw the hokage and Kakashi.

I started freaking out.

"where the heck am I?!" I yelled. Kakash walked up and pushed me back down so I was laying down. "you, young lady are in konoha, the village hidden in the leafs. And who are you?" the hokage asked. I calmed down and nodded.

"I'm candace miller but I like being called cherry." I said. He nodded as he toke a smoke of his pipe.

"what village are you from?" Kakashi asked me. I looked down. "um, I'm not really from a village. I'm really from another world." I told them and looked up. They where looking at me like I had just grown another head, well naruto, sasuke, and Sakura where but kakshi and the hokage just nodded.

After some hours of explaining of where I came from. I was put on the same team as them. The hokage told me I would be able to leave tomorrow and I would have my own apartment too.

I sighed as I put a hand over my eyes. They had just left my room and I was so tried. My family was killed by orochimaru. I'm in the naruto world and part of his team. What my mind couldn't get a grip of, why did orochimaru want me?

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