Chapter 7

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- Taehyung's point of view -

Taehyung: (Looking through the window of his apartment) He must be confessing to her right now... (looks away)

*Remembers conversation with Jimin*

Jimin: Brother, I love /your name/.

Taehyung: (shock) My cutie pie?

Jimin: Yes! (smiles like a child) She's pretty, intelligent, fun, lovely. She loves to take care of everybody. Warm hearted, it's like you can be sick and her touch, heals you.

Taehyung: - I knew it. I knew he loved her. - Congratulations! (smiles) I love seeing you so happy man! - It hurts, even though I knew.-

Jimin: Thank you! (hugs him) You know, I thought you loved her.

Taehyung: (blank face) What you mean? - No, you can't know that! - You must be crazy. (laughs nervous) - Please, Taehyung, keep calm. I would never take your girl away from you. Even though you did it to me unintentionally. -

Jimin: You know, if by any chance you loved her, like I do (silence) And you tell me, I would have given up on her. Jimin...

Taehyung: Thank you, but no need to do it! (smiles)

It feels good to know that my sacrifice will make happy two of my beloved ones. Jimin, you'll never get to hear this: I love her, but I love you too. I remember that time in which we were young and stupid. I was really childish. I always followed you around, bothered you, even made your life hell. But you always were so kind towards me. You always encouraged me to be better, to work harder. Many times you gave up your sleep for helping me practice. Many times you didn't eat a full meal, just because I wanted yours instead of mine. Many times you gave up your friends because they made fun of me. Many times you even gave up your rest, when you were sick or tired, just because I wanted to misbehave against you. You even took my fault when we escaped from the dorms; it was my idea, and you said it was yours. Then thanks to that, you couldn't come out of the dorms freely for 2 months. You sacrificed many things in your life for this friendship. For me. Why? Because you loved me too much.

People always said I would never grow up. But I guess, I did grew up. I became a man, even though nobody see it. I became a man that knows what's right and wrong. A man that, loves with whole heart. A man that cares more about others, than itself. A man that will give up his love for a woman, because he loves too much his brother to make him suffer. Please Jimin, love her. Don't make her suffer. Every little detail, cherish it. Every single kiss, treasure it. For every single tear that falls from her eyes, give her one more minute of your time, even if you're busy. You know I would have done that. Thank you, because I know you will never fail me.


(The next chapters will be Taehyung's life after losing the woman he loved -

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