Chapter 3

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(At the office)

Taehyung: Oh man! (complaining) The company wants to send me to Busan for four months to work there!

You: Wait , no! Why? (Gets close to him)

Taehyung: They said one of the workers got fired and now they need someone to help them with their upcoming event. (sigh) I don't want to go, even though they'll pay me more.

You: I bet...but hey! It's just 4 months! You'll be back, plus is not like you'll be out of country. I mean we could visit you at least the weekends.

Taehyung: (smiles) Thankyou, you're the best!

You: (smiles at him) No I'm not. I just don't want you to be sad. (silence) So when are you leaving?

Taehyung: They said tonight.

You: What? (pouts) Ahhh... I'll go with you to the airport!

Taehyung: No! I don't want you to go home alone! (worried) You know I'll tell Jimin to go with you. You don't mind right?

You: No I don't. I mean I got used to him. This 6 months that I've been around with your brothers had been enough to adapt myself to them.

Taehyung: Yeah, especially him that likes to cling onto people. (laughs) I mean he's a good guy and I love him. But sometimes he gets you know... (roll eyes) a little annoying.

You: Nah.. It's okay. (smiles) I'm his friend so...

Taehyung: (looked away in silence)

You: What happened?

Taehyung: Nothing. Just thinking (looks down and takes my hands) Listen (sigh) please take care of yourself. I don't want to be worrying too much about you, uh? (you nodded) I don't want to receive a call saying that you're dying or something happened to you. Because I swear that I'll come back and I will not care about my job. And when you wake you I'll hit your head and say: Cutie pie pabo! Okay? (looking all tough)

You: (chuckles) You know I'll die someday right?

Taehyung: (hits head) Cutie pie pabo! (serious)

You: YAAH! (caressing my head) I haven't died! I'm still here with you!

Taehyung: Dont even joke about dying! (mad, walks away)

You: - Taehyung, you're really the best. Caring for me instead of being happy. Thankyou so much.-


(at the airport)

Jimin: Brother! (hugs Taehyung) Are you ready?

Taehyung: Not really... (looks down)

You: TaeTae (hugs him) No need to be sad. Enjoy this little change. You'll probably like it.

Taehyung: Maybe. (looks away)

Jimin: Man don't worry, I'll take care of her. (puts arm on you shoulder)

Taehyung: YAAH (shouts) Who do you think you are?

Jimin: (gets embarrassed) I'm sorry...

Taehyung: I'm joking. (forced a smile)

Jimin: Ah (laughs) good! Don't joke like that! I almost take it seriously!

You: - TaeTae... You can fool Jimin, but not me... Are you really that worried about me? Or are you by chance jealous of... No... You can't be jealous of Jimin. Or could it be? -

*Flight 2013A destination to Busan boarding*

Taehyung: That's my flight. (picks up his bags) Well I gotta go. (Looks and hugs you tight)

You: (hugs him back) Take care of yourself!

Taehyung: That's what I said to you! (starts whispering) I'll miss you so much, please call me all the nights.

You: (whispers) I will.

Jimin: YAAH Tae, I'm here, where's my hug? (shaking Taehyung's arm)

Taehyung: Oh Jimin, you never change. (hugs him) I'll miss you, please take care of her! I'm putting her safety in your hands. Don't fail me. (Looking tough)

Jimin: Had I ever failed you?

Taehyung: (smiles) No, that's why you're my best friend.

Jimin: Exactly! Well, go go! The airplane will leave you!

Taehyung: (looks down/force a smile) Bye guys. I love you both, take care.

Jimin: Bye bye! I'll miss you, love you bro'!

You: I love you too, have fun!

Taehyung: (Turns around and walks fast, disappearing quickly from our sight)

Jimin: (sigh) Well, now that we're both alone, we should stick together. Don't you think? (smile)

You: Yeah... (smiles shy) I'll miss him anyways (looks down)

Jimin: Yeah me too, but oh well! It's work. (silence) Let's go home. (you nodded) Oh!

You: Uh?

Jimin: Would you like... to have a date with me tomorrow? (shy)

You: Date? (confused and shy)

Jimin: Yeah (silence) Like... go to the movies or eat... (smiles/looks at you) If you would like.

You: Sure. (smiles)

Jimin: Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow early! (puts arm around you shoulder)

You: Okay! (walks away with him)


- Taehyung's point of view -

(Looking from the distance at you and Jimin walking away)

Taehyung: = I hate having to leave to Busan. Why now? Why? Now that I decided to confess to her... and then there's Jimin. Why is he always clinging on her? Calling her, texting her? Is he stalking her? Is he really trying that hard to be his best friend? No... Can he possibly... NO! NO! She's mine, only mine. (starts walking back to the gate) He has to know! He has to know she's the one I've always liked. I must stop him! (stops walking) Why is he putting his arm on her shoulders?! Is he making this on purpose? Is he trying to annoy me? Is he really going to try stealing her away from me? No... He's not capable of doing this... is he? (eyes get teary) What if she likes him back? What am I supossed to do with this love...? (tears fall) What am I doing here, I need to leave. - (turns around and leaves)

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