SCMAnex The Hearts Desire Ch. 2

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Stevens' point of view

I wake up, in a cold sweat, but I don't remember my, I'm assuming, nightmare. Never do. Today's the day I hang out with Kevin, is this a sign? No, it can't be, just a coincidence. I look at the time, I woke up an hour earlyer then my alarm. No point trying to get back to sleep now. I pull out some clothes, a plain white button up shirt, with black skinny jeans and a dark belt. You know what a B.L.T is right? Becon, lettus, and tomato sanditch. But, what's a B.E.L.T? Give up? It's a belt. Yeah I'm kind of ashamed I just made that joke, but I'm going to roll with it.

I pop some poptarts in the toaster, waiting impatiently for it to jump out at me. It finnaly does and I nom untill they're both gone. No plate needed. I've still got a halve hour left, what to do, what to do. I sit down at my computer and log onto a social sight. I met a person who called himself ImmortalHD. I checked out his youtube channel, he's pretty funny. He asked if I could mod his minecraft for him and agreed, nothing better to do. We chatted for a bit before I had to leave for school, not before getting his skype though. There were a few other people at the bus stop, the same people. Don't talk to them, and they won't talk to you. The bus ride was chaotic as usual, I just sink into my seat and turn invisible untill it stops at the high school. 

-Time Jump-

End of the day and my heart is beating athousand times a minet. I put my notebooks in my locker, shutting it tight. Were we going to do it here at school? Where is he? Should I wait for him in the math classroom? I don't want to look like a fool... What if he forgot? 

"Hey," A deep voice cals behind me. I jump a little, not noticing anyone was standing next to me. 

"Uh, h-hi," I stutter, turning around, Kevin. W-well, at least he didn't forget. Ok, time to calm down so you don't sound like a freek. 

"Can we go to your place to study? My mom has company over," He explains.

"Sure," I reply. My dad is usually out drinking with his buddies by now, and my mom hasn't lived with us for a while, so it should be allright. 

"Sweet, we can take my car," He says. What? Riding in h-his car? I follow behind him to the parcking lot, staying quiet as he waved to his buddies. He's pretty popular. We finnaly walk to his car. I don't know much about cars, but I think it's called a charger? Whatever, it looks cool and it's black. It's got comfy leather seats, I deffinitly feel out of place sitting in it. 

"K, so where is your house?" He asks, I continue giving him directions until we reach my humble abode. I grab the key from under our fake rock, it's obviously fake, I don't know why he bothers hiding it. I close the door behind us.

"Where are your parants?" He asks, looking around the house. 

"Uh, my dad's out drinking," I explain, heading to my room, he follows. Thank god I cleaned it like, two days ago. 

"And your mom?" He questions, we sit on my bed.

"Devorce," I shrug, not really wanting to go into detales. 

"Oh, sorry I asked," He says, sounding a bit akward. I sigh.

"It's fine, lets get studying!" I exclaim, trying to act my normal self. He explains a few things of algebra, but, like usual, I was having trouble paying attention. I try to act like I understand it, but he eassily sees past me. 

"If you don't understand something, ask," He chuckles, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Sorry," I mumble. It's just a little hard thinking about division, when all I want you to do is divide my legs- ACK! No! Don't even think of that kind of stuff!! He notices my face is bright red, uggg, stupid head.

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