Dark Side

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Emily's POV
I wake up in jakes arms which made me smile. I turn over to him and kiss him. Soon he wakes up and starts kissing back. I smile in the kisses then pull back. "No. I liked that" Jake whined. I kiss him agin. "Happy?" I ask. "Yes" Jake said and put his lips on my neck. "Babe wake up" I say. "I'm up. Just laying here" Jake said. "Ok. Well I haft to get dressed. I haft to re-Emo infinity" I say and sit up. "Re-Emo? Really?" Jake asked. "Yes" I say and see him roll his eyes. I smack him in the gut an hear him grunt. "Don't roll your eyes. So you want her to turn into a prep?" I ask "no.... God no" Jake said and leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Someone can't keep themselves off me" I whisper in jakes ear. "How could I?" Jake said and ran his hand down my back and put his other hand on my leg. "Ok to much for me" I say and take his hand off my leg. "Why? Everything is to much" Jake said. "Babe. You forget. I've never had someone touch me in a sexual way. Never had someone who can't keep their hands off me. So I'm not used to it" I say and kiss his cheek. "I know." He said and kissed me then laid back down. I clim out of the bunk and grab my bag and pull out some clothes. I walk to the bathroom and put on a black death note shirt with L on it then I put on black ripped skinny jeans, I put on black leather boots with studs and buckles on them then I put on a black butler bracelet then a 'Normal people scare me' bracelet then a supernatural bracelet then I put on a 'best witches' friend bracelet and of course infinity had the other one. It was ironic I had that bracelet because I used to be called a witch and some people in my town thought all the woman in my family were witches so I had a past with being called a witch. I put on a silk chocker then a necklace that had three jewels that are connected and a Slytherin necklace and a few different rings. I straighten my hair then put on a black and dark purple smokey eye and red lipstick then I walk out of the bathroom and grab a bag and put my phone and money in it and put it around me then I grab jakes leather jacket and put it on but don't zip it up. I walk over to me and jakes bunk and bend down and pull Jake towards me. "Bye babe" I say and kiss him. "Hey. Get a cute dress. We are going on the date we talked about soon" Jake said and tried to hand me money. "No Jake. I have money. And I'm not gunna be a jackass girlfriend that uses your money" I say. I hated using people money. Specially when I had my own. "You sure?" Jake asked. "I'm sure" I say and stand up and walk out of the bunks. "Hey Emily" I heard Andy yell as he ran towards me. I stop and decided to get a monster. I open the frig and grab a monster. "Thank you about last night" Andy said. I stand straight. "Yup" I say and open the monster and take a drink. "I didn't do it for you. I did it for infinity" I say. I turn around and walk off the bus. I finish the monster right as I was waking up to the miw bus. I throw it away at a near by trash can then walk to the bus and knock on the door. Soon Ricky answered. "Let me on shorty" I say. "No. Not after that" Ricky said. "Really wanna test me?" I ask. Ricky immediately stepped back. I walk on. I look over and see infinity. "We need to make you emo again, you've been dressing normal lately maybe that's why guys can't keep their eyes off you. So if you look scary, like me, they might leave you alone" I say. "If you make her Emo it'll make her even hotter" Ryan said. I roll my eyes. "When am I returning to the dark side" infinity asked. "Right now. We're going to HotTopic" I say and take off my leather jacket and purse and throw them on the couch. I walk to infinitys bag and pull out her darkest makeup, clothes, and jewelry. "Go put this on" I say and shove it all in her arms. I walk into the main area and sit down next to ghost. I pull out my phone and pull out my headphones. I turn on my screamo version of the song glad you came. I didn't realize it but ghost unplugged my headphone and turned up my phone so it was blaring since my phone was loud. I realize and rip out my headphones. "Did you make this?" Ghost asked. "Yeah," I say while listening to it. It sounded really good. soon Cris came in and sat down and listened to it. "I didn't know you could scream" Cris said. "Yeah. I have practiced a lot threw the years. Now it's just a easy talent up my sleeve" I say and soon the song ended and ghost handed me my phone. "Well maybe you should scream for us some time on a show" Cris said. "Oh I can't. I'm filling in for Jake" I say. Luckily infinity came in. I stood up while stuffing my phone in my bag. "You look badass. Let's go" I say and put my purse around me and put my leather jacket on and dragged her out. "You ok?" Infinity asked. "The guys hear one of my scream covers" I say. I didn't like people hearing about my talents. I liked it when people know nothing about me. Me and infinity start joking around. Soon we get to a burger place and order some burgers. Soon a song me and infinity love came on. I start dancing in my seat and infinity joined me. We started to horribly lip sing to the song. I heard a few laughs from people. Soon the song ended and we got our food and we start to eat. I paid and we walk out. We soon get to the mall. And go to a makeup store and go to the darkest makeup. "So who do you have a crush on from miw?" Infinity asked. "I have a boyfriend. I love no one else" I say trying to sounds poetic but failed horribly. Infinity glared at me. "Ok ok.... I secretly have a crush on ghost. But we all know you like Ricky" I say and we both laugh. "I have a question. Is this black black enough" I ask holding up a really dark lipstick. "Yes. Get that" infinity says. All i got was really red lipstick then really black lipstick and war paint. We go pay then walk to HotTopic. We tried on different stuff like anime, Disney stuff, DC, American horror story, bunch of crazy stuff. Soon we finish shopping and pay and walk out. "Now I need to find a dress shop" I say looking around. "Why? Are you and Jake getting married?" Infinity asked. "No. Me and him are going on a date soon" I say. Soon we find a dress shop and find a section with all black dresses. Soon I find a very beautiful black dress and try it on. "How do I look?" I ask infinity walking out of the dressing room. "You look beautiful" infinity said. I walk back into the dressing room and put my clothes back on and pay for the dress. "Let's go get some food" in say and we walk to the food court. Soon we get some cheese fries and sit down. "So. What was it like performing on stage? I saw it on YouTube" infinity said. "Oh the day Jake got stabbed. Oh it was AMAZING. I felt adrenaline go threw my veins and the screams of fans were wonderful and I got the crowd to start chanting BVB and it was just amazing and I got to do what I love" I say remembering that day. "Everyone's talking about it" infinity said and showed me videos and comments about it. "Next show your performing with me because I haft to fill in for Jake." I say. "Maybe I can get Ricky to let me fill in for him" infinity said. "Yeah." I say. Soon we finish the fries and we walk back to the buses. "Ok. Death note or black butler?" Infinity asked. "No. I can't pick" I say and laugh. Soon we get to the miw bus. "This is your stop" I say. Infinity turned around and hugged me. "See you later" I say and walk to the BVB bus. Soon I get their and walk onto the bus. I walk to my bag and put the shopping bags next to it. I walk into the main area and sit next to Jake. "How was shopping?" Jake asked. "It was wonderful" I say and kiss his cheek. Jake put his arm around me. "I'm tired as fuck" I say and lay my head on jakes shoulder. "I bet. I mean you walked their and back and walked around the mall" Jake said and pulled me onto his lap. I laugh a little and lay my head on his chest. "So did you get a dress?" Jake asked. "Yes. You'll love it when you see it" I say and smile in his chest then I decided I wanted to lay my head in his neck. "Comfy?" Jake asked. "Yes" I say and Jake rubbed my back. I put my hand on his chest and close my eyes. I just wanted to sleep in jakes arms. That was it. Jake picked me up and carried me to me and his bunk and laid me down and laid next to me. Jake started to run his fingers threw my hair. "Are you trying to get me to fall asleep?" I ask. "No. Just like messing with your hair" Jake said and kept messing with it. I push Jake down Then lay on top of him. "Your squishing me" Jake said jokingly. "Oh screw you" I say while laughing. "Your beautiful" Jake said randomly. "You ok? Not used to you just randomly saying I'm beautiful" I say. "Yeah. You just look so cute" Jake said. I smile and take off my leather jacket and purse. "Well wanna go play video games?" Jake asked. "He'll yeah. $10 bucks says I can beat your ass in some black opps" I yell while crawling over Jake then getting out of the bunk and run into the main area. I grab something to drink then sit down and Jake sits next to me and I turn and put my legs on his lap and put a Blanket on us while turning on the Xbox. "Can't wait to win my $10 bucks" Jake said. "Yeah right" I say and kiss him then start the game and get ready to kick jakes ass in black opps.

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