Insane As Fuck

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Emily's POV
Halfway threw me and Jake playing video games I started to get a little uncomfortable. I pause the game and stand up. I walk to the bunks and put on black tights then put on black jean shorts and a black butler tank top but leave all my jewelry on and put on my same boots. I walk into the main area when I get a text from ghost and read it. 'Heads up. Ricky just randomly kissed infinity then pinned her against the wall' the text said which immediately set off my anger. I grab jakes leather jacket and a knife. Jake shot up. "Emily stop" Jake said and tried to stop me but I pushed him down. "Sorry baby. I have to go threaten a bitch" I say in my innocent voice. I walk off the bus and run to the miw bus. when I get their I bang on the door and luckily Ricky answered. I pul him out by his shirt and hold him aginst the bus By his throat. "So I heard you you kissed infinity" I say and run my knife along his cheek but don't cut him. I smile and hold the knife to the corner of his mouth. "If I ever hear that you kissed infinity EVER AGAIN. I will fucking rip out your insides and stuff you with candy. Because you don't even deserve to be turned beautiful with a smile cut in your face" my Insanity said. I see the fear in Ricky's eyes. "Now run along. And don't tell anyone about this conversation" I say and step back into a shadow then run off. I hold my arms out while running so the wind hit my skin. It's helped calmed my insanity because when I got back I didn't want my insanity to hurt Jake. Soon I get back and put the knife back and take off jakes leather jacket. Suddenly Jake pushed me against the counter and grabbed my arm. "Where were you?" Jake asked. "Giving a little fucker a lesson" I say and kiss jakes neck. "Who was it?" Jake asked. "Ricky horror. He needed to be threatened with his life" I whisper in jakes ear and put my lips on jakes neck and He held tighter on my arm. "Did you make him bleed" jake asked. "No. Not yet" I say and regret not leaving with with some sort of wound. Jake picked me up and set my on the couch. "So you not mad I ran off agin?" I whisper in his ear. "No. I'm getting used to it" Jake said and played with my hair. "I need to get a shower" I say trying to get the urge to stand up. Jake put his arms around me. "Don't leave me" Jake said.  I roll my eyes. "Clingy much?" I ask. "You try having the girl you love almost get hit by a car and almost get stabbed and myself get stabbed" Jake said. When he said the word 'Love' it caught me off guard. "True. I understand" I say. I stand up and walk to my bag and take off my jewelry and take off my makeup then go get a shower. Once I get out I blow dry my hair and put on a black sweater and black tight pants. I walk out and put my clothes in my bag then walk into the main area and see Jake watching TV and him with his eyes closed with I could immediately tell he was asleep. I look over and see Ashley CC and Andy about to make a shit load of noise. "Shut up" I whisper which startled them. I turn back to Jake and walk over to him when I get in front of him I jump on him to scare him. Jake shot up which caused me and fall down "fuck" I mumble and stand up. "Oh shit. Are you ok?" Jake asked. "I'm ok" I say and sit next to him. Jake moved so I could lay my head on his lap. I pull the blanket over me and put my arms around Jake. "So how did you sleep?" I ask. "Well I was lonely but good" Jake said and I laugh. Jake started to run his hand along my cheek. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask. "Your skins soft" Jake said and I laugh at how random Jake was being. I pull out my phone and scroll threw Twitter. Then I see a photo of me and infinity at the burger place. But me and infinity never took a photo their. I look up and see it was taken by a magazine company. In the caption it said 'Andy beirsacks new girlfriend caught with the Mistry girl who might be with lead guitarist Jake Pitts' after reading that I sigh. "Babe what's up?" Jake asked. "The damn paparazzi took a photo of me and infinity and they said we might be dating" I say and close my eyes. I wasn't ready for the fans to know but we had to tell them. "We haft to tell the fans. We can't hid US forever. It's now or they find out and it'll be bad" I say. Jake grabbed my hand. "Are you sure?" Jake asked. "Yeah" I say. I watched Jake pull out his phone and type in something then I get a notification that Jake posted on Twitter so I go look at the tweet. 'Everyone the rumors are true. Me and @XEmilyLightWood are dating' I smile at the tweet. It felt kinda good to know that everyone will know soon. I lean up to Jake and kiss him. I lay my head in his neck. "Let's make some cookies" I say suddenly wanting cookies. "Uh ok...... Do you know how to make them?" Jake asked. "Yes." I say and stand up and pull my hair into a ponytail and pull up my sleeves and get everything I need then start making cookies. Soon I finish and put them in the oven. "Wow. That was fast" Jake said and motioned for me to come sit by him. I wash my hands them walk over to him and sit next him. "Wanna watch a movie?" Jake asked. "Yeah. You can pick" I say and Jake turned on a movies and soon I heard the timer go off. I stand up and pull out the cookies and let them cool down then make me and Jake a plate then hand him his plate then make a glass of milk and sit down. "Well Emily I haft to say. You are quite a good cook because everything you've made has tasted amazing" Jake said and put his arm around me. Suddenly Andy walked in. "Did you make cookies?" Andy asked. "Yes. Why?" I ask. "THEIR MINE" Andy yelled and grabbed the whole pan and ran off. "NOOOOOO COOKIES" I heard Ashley yell. "MAMA JINXX" I hear Ashley suddenly yell. "Oh my god" I say while laughing. "See and you looked up to them as idols" Jake said. "I still do. And always will" I say. Me and Jake finish the cookies yen turned off the TV. Me and Jake walk to the bunks and I lay down and put my phone on the charger then lay down and curl up in the blanket and Jake pulled me closer to him. I snuggle into jakes chest and kiss him one last time. "Good night" I say. "Good night My Beautiful Insanity" Jake said and used to nickname from the hotel which made me smile a little since he remembered it. Soon I soon fall asleep

Lost Girls (Black Veil Brides Part 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora