Hello MotherFuckers

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Emily's POV
I wake up and I smile like the Cheshire Cat. I was going to go get infinity. The guys didn't know because I know if they went to go get her they wouldn't hurt the person who took her. Now yes I'm kinda strong but I was letting go of my insanity. Which my insanity could kill ANYONE. I stand up and feel a burning feeling in my eyes. I look at a mirror in the bunks and see that the white part of my eyes went from having a tint red to a tint of black and the veins around my eyes sent from blue/purple to black. I grab some clothes and walk to the bathroom. I put on a black corset and black skirt and all black tights and black heels and a old fashioned choker and some rings and put on a black necklace with a red rose and put my necklace with my moms rind on and tuck my moms ring in my corset and put on red earrings. I straighten my hair and tease it a little and put on leather gloves. I put on black lipstick and a red/black smokey eye. I walk out and put on a black cloak and pull my hood over my head. I hide my gun in my skirt and hide a knife in my skirt as well just in case something goes wrong. I walk out of the bunks. "Emily? Where you going" Jake asked. I ignored him and walked out. I heard them try to run after me but I hid by a bus. When they gave up I pull out my phone and follow a map that was showing me how far away infinitys phone was. Soon I get to the ptv bus..... Oh god her Ex. "Let's do this" I whisper. I bang on the door and soon see Jamie open the door. "Hello MotherFucker." I say my voice sounding demonic as hell. I grab Jamie by the shirt and throw him out of the bus and throw him to the ground. I walk in and see tony and mike sitting in the main area watching TV and suddenly I heard infinity yelling and that was it. My insanity took over. My sanity blacking out as my insanity took over. I grab tony by his shirt and punch him breaking his nose. I throw Tony down and tilt my head and look at Mike. He knew who I was but he couldn't recognize my face because my hood was over my face. "Hello Mike!" I say in a innocent voice. "Emily?" Mike asked. "THE ONE.... THE ONLY" I yelled and bow. I stand straight. "I'm not leaving without infinity and you and all of your band with broken bones and begging for me to stop" I say. Mike laughed. "Your a fucking girl. With no family. What can you even do right?" Mike said. "Oh you have no idea" i say. I run over to Mike and twist his arm and throw him on the ground and I kick him in the gut over and over and over agin until I could tell he was in pure pain. I hold my heel into his chest. "Never underestimate a girl" I say and bend down and smack him so hard he blacks out. I stand up. I walk into the bunks and see Vic on top of infinity. "GET OFF HER YOU FUCKING MEXIAN!!!!" I yell. I run over to Vic and pull him off. I punch him in the nose then in the throat. Then I kneed him in the crotch. Vic looked up and smirked. "Is that all you got?" He asked and smacked me. Then he punched me over and over. Then he pinned me against a wall. by now I have a black eye. Busted lip. Cuts along my cheeks And some bruised bones. I pull out my gun and hold it to under his head. "Get back. Or I'll fucking shoot you" I say. Vic immediately stepped back. "Infinity get up. NOW" I yell my voice sounding dark and furious. Infinity got up and ran over to me. I walk to Vic and slap him. "If I ever see you or your band around infinity ever agin I'll shoot you all" I say. I turn around and grab infinity and run off the bus. We get behind a bus different and soon My sanity wake up. "How bad was it? What all did it do?" I ask. "No.... Please tell You didn't let it out. And it was horrible" infinity said. "Was anyone dead?" I ask. "No. Where are the guys?" Infinity asked. "They don't know I came and got you...." I say and hug infinity. I step back then infinity and me put a arm around each other and walk back to the BVB bus. I walk on fist and see Jake looking scared and Andy had red puffy eyes and miw was on the bus as well. "What the fuck happen to you?" Ashley yelled. "I was getting her" I say as infinity walked on the bus. Andy shot up and ran to infinity. Jake just sat their. "How..... How did you get her. Didn't you think they might have killed you? I was fucking worried about you. But no you just walk out without telling us shit" Jake yelled. I step back. "CALM DOWN. How did you find her?" Andy asked. "Last night. I hacked her phone and I had from a friend" I say. "You didn't. Emily you didn't haft to do that for me. You didn't haft to talk to Ellie to find me. I know what a dark past you have with hacking, and what "THEY" did to your dad" infinity said. "Your like family. You, Jake, Andy, jinxx, CC, and Ashley are my only family. I would do anything for you guys" I say. "What about us?" Ricky asked. "Just barely friends" I say. I walk over to Jake and sit by him. "Please don't be mad" I say hoping he wouldn't snack me like my dad used to when he was mad. His anger was worse then mine. So when he got mad he would throw stuff And hit stuff but he didn't hit me much. It was rare. "I'm not mad. I was just scared" Jake said. "Now let's clean you up" Jake said and stood up and got a first aid kit and started cleaning my busted lip and the cuts on my cheeks. "Fuck" I yell when he touched my lip. "Sorry" Jake whispered. "It's ok" I whisper back. Jack got done cleaning me up and I stand up. "I'm going to go change" I say. "Why? Aren't you just wearing a skirt and shirt?" Jake asked. I take off my cloak. "I'm wearing a corset" I say. "You got infinity back in a fucking corset? That how you know your a badass" Jake said. "Very funny" I say and roll my eyes. I walk into the bunks and put on a BVB crop top and tank top under it and black skinny jeans but leave everything else that same. I walk back into the main area mad sit next to jake. "Awe. But you looked so cute in the corset" Jake whined into my ear. "Calm down Jake" I say and roll my eyes. "Let's go out" CC said and came and sat on me. "Oh my lord. Get off me you fatty" I yell and CC stood up and I gasp for air. "God your heavy" I say lean on jake. "So where do you wanna go?" I ask. "Neon Bowling" Jake said. I immediately looked at infinity. "NEON BOWLING" we yell. We stand up and run into the bunks and lock the guys out. "You can borrow some if my neon stuff" I say and pull out my bag and pull out some neon. Yes I own color. I put the n white jeans shorts and a black tank top that said 'Freak Show" on it and the white words glow in the dark. I put my hair in a pony but leave my bangs out and put my moms ring around my back and put on a tattoo choker. I put on some silver rings and put on converses. "Let's go to taco bell. Oh wait the Mexicans are in town. They probably already raided it." I say and laugh my ass off. Me and infinity has been making Mexican jokes the WHOLE time we were getting ready. I wipe off my old makeup and put on a white and silver smokey eye and put silver glow in the dark war paint and put on teal lipstick and tease my bangs. "Ok. Mirror is all yours." I say and step back. "Shit. You look awesome" infinity said. "I feel weird for wearing so much color" I say. "Wait. Put on your shitload of bracelets" infinity says. "YES" I yell. I run to my bag and put on a three miw bracelets. 8 BVB bracelets. 4 ITM bracelets. 1 P!atd bracelet. And j see my ptv bracelets. I grab a extra lighter from andys bed and set it on fire. "Oh shit. Someone's mad" infinity said while putting on makeup. "Yeah. After what they did to you I hope they DIE" I say and drop the bracelet on a cup of water and watch it dissolve away. I set the cup and lighter down and grab a black handbag/Wallet and put my phone in it and make sure I have money and put it on my back pocket. I saw infinity trying to put her necklace back on. I walk over to her and take it and move her hair and put it on her. "Look at us. Dating the guys we have fallen for. Not haft to worry about abuse, shitty family, or wanting to die" I say and smile. Infinity put her arm around me and I put my around her and we walk out. The guys look at us with big eyes. "What? Is it the color" infinity asked talking about our outfits. Andy and Jake quickly stood up and covered us. "Their ours boys" Andy said. I see Ricky's head fall down. I start laughing my ass off. I suddenly stop and feel the burning feel agin in my lungs but also in my throat. Oh god..... It's coming back. I step back and close the door. I grab my art bag and pull it out and sit on the floor with my back to the door. I pull out a box and open it. I run my hand along the inhaler in the box. "Please don't be coming back. I beg you" I whisper and hold the inhaler in my mouth and breath in the air and hold it for 10 seasons. 1,000. 2,000. 3,000. 4,000. 5,000. 6,000. 7,000. 8,000. 9,000. 10,000. I think in my head then breath out. I hide the inhaler in my bra and walk out. "Sorry forgot something " I say to everyone and grab my leather jacket and put it on. "Let's go" I say and we all walk off the bus and walk to the bowling ally we saw a couple of days ago. I immediately feel the pain back in my throat and realize it's from the weather. Just get threw tonight...... If I even can. But to get my mind off of it I start making jokes about ptv as we walked in the beautiful moon light on our skin never wanting this night to end.
What do you think is wrong with Emily? Comment what you think is wrong with her. And btw everyone I base my character directly off of me. So any medical problems that happened to Emily has happened to me. Just wanted to clarify that ~Emily

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