Damaged Lungs

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Emily's POV
I see its my turn so I stand up and grab my ball and walked up to the lane. I get ready to throw it then my lungs just let out. I couldn't breath. I weekly throw the ball then run back and sit down. "we need to get her to a hospital" someone said. I pull out my inhaler and try using it but it was no use. I drop the inhaler and soon Jake picked me up and ran out with me. I hid my fave in jakes chest trying to breath. I slowly regain my breath. Soon we get to the hospital and suddenly I was in a elevator then I started to black out. "Jake?" I say trying to look for him. "I'm right here baby" Jake said and put his hand on me. "I love you!" I say and try and do a smile. "I love you to" Jake said then I blacked out.
----(Jake's POV)-------
Right as Emily blacked out we got to a floor and we ran out. Then the nurses that were pushing Emily turned into a room and started to put needles in her and they carefully put a breathing tube in her nose. Once they get done they walk out. Soon one nurse came back with blankets and helped me put them on emily. Soon the nurse left and everyone walked in being loud as hell. "Shut up" I say. Infinity ran over to Emily and grabbed her hand. "Have they found out what's wrong?" Infinity asked. "No not yet. Their gunna ask Emily some questions when she wakes up" I say. I lay my head next to her hand I was holding and sigh.
*two hours later*
I felt Emily's hand start to move then I heard her whimper a little. I quickly sit up and put my hand on her cheek. "Emily?" I ask questioningly. "I'm ok." She says and lays her head in my hand and put her hand under mine. Soon two doctors came in. "Miss Lightwood. Have you felt lung pain before?" They ask. "Yes" Emily responded. "Do you have lung cancer?" They ask. "Not that I know of" I say. "Have you ever had pneumonia?" They asked. I look at Emily and see her open her mouth. "....yes.... Three times. And I have a family member that died from it" Emily said. I lower my head and grab her hand. "I need to listen to your chest" one doctor that was quite young said. Emily sat up as the doctor walked over to her and listened to her chest and stepped back and gave the other doctor a worried look. "Your lungs sound absolutely horrible. I really think you have pneumonia once agin. Now I'm going to call in a Z-pack and a stronger inhaler then the one for the pneumonia for last time you probably hade it. And that should get rid of it." the younger doctor said. Emily nodded her head as the doctors walk out. "I swear when we go back to LA none of this is going to happen. It's always the cold weather the fucks me" Emily said as I scoot her over and sit next to her. Suddenly she started coughing. When she stopped coughing she laid her head on me. "What other medical problems do I need to worry about?" I ask. "Just this one" Emily said. I put my arm around her. The doctors said we could leave so Emily immediately sighed the discharged papers. "Fuck I hate having pneumonia" Emily said. "It'll be ok. You got me" Jake said. Emily smiled and looked at me. "Your right" she said and kissed me. "Should you two be kissing?" Infinity asked. "I'd rather get fluid in my lungs then not be able to kiss her" I say and smile. I had a feeling that no more medical problems would be happening to Emily after this. "Wait who's gunna play lead guitar?" I ask. "I still can. Your body's still heeling." Emily said and put her hand on the cut I got from the crazy fan. "What about you almost dying from not having air?" I ask. "I'll be ok. I would just take it easy. You forget. I've been threw worse" Emily said smiled. "I think I can handle rocking out on a stage. And after three days I'll be back to normal" Emily said. Soon Emily had to stop to catch her breath. I pick her up. "Jake.... No" Emily said. "Yup. You have fluid in your lungs. I don't want you getting worse" I say and kiss Emily. Soon we get to the bus and I walk to me and Emily's bunk and lay her down and lay next to her. Emily kissed my neck then curled up in my chest. I smile and lay my head on hers
-----(Emily's POV)---
Yeah it sucked that my pneumonia was back but I could get threw it like nothing. Soon I feel Jake fall asleep and I laugh a little. "I love this man" I whisper and kiss him and crawl out of the bunk and walk into the main area and sit by infinity. "So what does it feel like to have fluid in your lungs?" Andy asked. "It sucks. You always wanna cough. And you always feel something in your throat and chest. It's just really annoying" I say. "Oh... Sounds horrible" Andy said. "Oh it is" I say and lean my head on infinitys should and she laid her head on mine. "Awe friendship goals. Cris let's be like that" Ricky said. "No... Not happening" Cris said. I start laughing then immediately start coughing. "Sorry. That's my body's way of telling me to calm down I can't breath" I say. "Well damn" CC said. "Yeah. But that is cruel Cris" I say. "If you lived with him on a bus you wouldn't think so" Cris said. I laugh and try not to cough. "Poor infinity. She's stuck on a bus with them" I say and laugh. I herd infinity try not to laugh. "Come on that's funny" I say while looking at her. "Nope. Not gunna laugh" infinity said. I start telling the Mexican joke from earlier and of course she started laughing her ass off. "Got you to laugh" I say in a mocking tone. "Ok how could I not. They were fucking hilarious" infinity said. I laugh and of course cough agin. "Everytime?" Jinxx asked. "Yup. Every time I get exited, laugh, or take a deep breath I start coughing" I say. "How do you get it so much?" Jinxx asked. "Just how I was born. I was the one in the family with the shit load of medical problems" I say. I soon realize I could take my inhaler and I immediately grab it and use it. "What will that do to help anyways?" Balz asked. "It helps my breathing." I say and put it back in the box. "So Emily. We never heard the very TRAGIC story about your family" Cris said. My eyes widen. "Well when I was ten. Me my sister And my sisters friend lily and my mom were at a parade called the homecoming day parade. Its a football parade they have in Stillwater Oklahoma before the first OSU football team game of the season. And when the parade was almost over a car came threw the barriers and headed to me and my sister and my mom and my sister pushed us out of the way and my sister was killed instantly. after my sister died my mom committed suicide by shooting herself in the head. my dad.... My wonderful father died in a building fire" I say tears streaming down my face once I got done with the story. "Oh my god.... I'm so sorry" Cris said. I hold onto my moms ring. "Well let's watch Alice in the wonderland" I say while wiping away three years and infinity ran up and got popcorn and soda and snacks and a blanket for me and her. "I'm guess you both love Alice in the wonderland?" Ashley said. "Yes we do. Now shut up its starting" I say as infinity sat next to me. For the rest of the night me and infinity played video games and watched movies.
I have a question. Does anyone wanna see what Emily's parents and sister look like? Because I've never really thought about showing you guys till now. Comment if you do wanna see them

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